Occultum sed Invaderet

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 I need a hero

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night

He's gotta be strong

And he's gotta be fast

And he's gotta be fresh from the fight 

(“I Need a Hero,” Bonnie Tyler)

Chapter 10: Occultum sed Invaderet 

            I didn’t know when the Merry Men had regrouped as I had fallen asleep. All I knew was Robin shaking me, telling me that we had to get going. “You’ll ride with me,” he told me.

            “Thank you.” I held out my hand for help getting up. He took it, giving me a gentle pull so I was on my feet again. I wobbled a bit. “Do I need to balance much? That might be a problem.” 

            “Do not worry, milady. I promise you will not fall.” Robin held out a sack. 

            I narrowed my eyes. “What’s that?” 

            “Your heart, milady. I believe it’ll be safest with its owner.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling under his hood. 

            “Oh. Thank you.” I took the sack and waited as he brought his horse over to me. He owned a beautiful black mare and I found myself thinking of the horse I had ridden as a child, Rocinthe. Rocinthe had been my dearest friend, not judging me constantly. I regretted giving him up when Mother decided we couldn’t afford his keep any more. Dad had offered to keep paying and I believed it was punishment for wanting to live with him instead of her. 

            I ran a hand over her neck. “She’s beautiful.” 

            “Thank you. You have an eye for horses.” Robin stood next to me. “Do you need help mounting?” 

            Part of me wanted to say no. I still remembered how to do it. But another part of me knew I wasn’t strong enough. Not after the Queen’s torture. So I nodded, holding on to the sack containing my heart as he helped me up. 

He swung into the saddle behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist. “It’s a few days’ ride to the palace but we’re only going to an inn a few hours from here. You can rest there before we continue the rest of our journey.” 

“Thank you.” I glanced at all the Merry Men. “All of you.” 

            Even though they kept their hoods up, I swore they were smiling and nodding in acknowledgement. Or maybe that was the fatigue. 

            Robin gave a signal and we all took off, the horses racing away from the Winter Palace. I wondered if Zelena knew I was gone yet and if we would encounter flying monkeys. But my fatigue and Robin’s warmth lulled me back into sleep, worries forgotten for now. 


            When I awoke, the sun was starting to rise over the trees. A chill still hung in the air but it didn’t bother me much. I rubbed my eyes as a small house came into focus. Smoke rose up from its brick chimney and a few people were mounting their horses, ready to continue on their journey. This was the inn Robin had mentioned. 

            Robin reined in his horse as we stopped in front of the inn. He dismounted as he called to the rider next to us: “Little John, see to my horse. I’m going to tend to Regina.” 

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