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One soul 

Yet divided it becomes 

Two worlds 

Where to turn when that time comes? 

(“Two Men,” Bluebird

Chapter 21: Partnership 

            I hurried down the hallway the next afternoon, the potion I had concocted in my hand.  Robin was off doing his duties as Charming’s second. That morning as we laid in bed I told him about how I was able to sneak out of the palace so easily. He had frowned and vowed to rectify the situation. “With all the attacks, we cannot afford to have any gates left unguarded,” he said. 

            So while he was off reaming out the guards, I was visiting Snow and Red. I knocked on Snow’s door and prayed whoever opened could see me. The last thing I needed was a repeat of the time she had invited me for tea but her maid couldn’t see me. It took Snow several minutes to convince her maid to just leave the door open long enough for me to pass through. No doubt the young woman thought her princess had gone mad. 

            Red opened the door, looking relieved to find me there. “Come in. Snow and I have been waiting. I think she’s about to climb the walls.” 

            “I wouldn’t advise that.” I stepped inside, finding Snow pacing her chambers. “Why don’t you sit down?” 

            Snow shook her head. “Not until you tell me. Did the test work?” 

            “It did.” I placed the potion, now a light blue, on the table. “Congratulations, Snow. You’re pregnant.” 

            Red squealed and tried to hug Snow, but she did not return it. She had gone pale and seemed to have difficulty catching her breath. I placed my hand on her arm. “Snow? Is something wrong? Isn’t this good news?” 

            “It should be,” Red said. She frowned. “What is it?” 

            Snow walked away, wringing her hands. “Do you think this is selfish? Having a child now, with everything so uncertain?” 

            Red and I exchanged looks. I took a few steps toward Snow. “I’ve been married almost six years, Snow. Daniel and I kept putting off children, waiting for the right time. You know what I’ve learned now? There is no right time.” 

            “But there has to be wrong times. Wouldn’t this be one?” Snow asked, her worry clear in her voice. 

            I hugged her. “Maybe. Or maybe this is the best time. We need to stay positive, right?” 

            “Regina’s right. We need to believe we’ll defeat the Queen and you’ll have that beautiful baby free of any threat of her.” Red stepped forward, joining in our hug. 

            Snow relaxed in our embrace. “You’re right.” 

            We pulled apart and I was relieved to see her smiling. She looked between the two of us, her smile getting brighter. “I’m going to be a mother!” 

            “You’re going to be a great mother,” Red said. I nodded in agreement. 

            Snow grabbed our hands. “You two have to be there for the birth.” 

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