The Winter Palace

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There’s a strange exhilaration

In such total detestation

It’s so pure, so strong 

(“What is This Feeling?” Wicked)

Chapter 9: The Winter Palace

             When I came to, I was lying on a chaise lounge in a dark room. There were no windows and the walls were black, just like the floor. I felt like I had been taken to a giant onyx carved to be a house. The furniture was also black with red accents. It gave me a cold feeling. 

            I was still wearing my purple ball gown, though my hair had come loose and fell around my shoulders in tangled waves. Was there a comb in this place? Curious, I stood and searched the room. But there was nothing I could use to tame my hair. 

            Opening the door, I stepped out into a sitting room. It was black with red furniture as well. A table with a red clothe covering sat in the middle surrounded by four black chairs. One was occupied by a woman with dark brown hair. Who was she? 

            “You’re up. Good. We’ve been waiting for you.” The woman stood and turned around. 

            My knees grew weak and the blood drained from my face. She was tall with her hair perfectly coiffed. Her pale skin accented her brown eyes and red lips. I knew her face though I wasn’t from the Enchanted Forest—whoever this was was the spitting image of my mother. Even her voice sounded similar to Mother’s. 

            She smiled. “I am Cora, the Queen’s mother. Welcome.” 

            Cora. It was close to Caroline but not quite. Still, the situation was unnerving. I prayed my voice didn’t shake as I answered. “Thank you. Where am I?” 

            “You’re in the Winter Palace. My daughter and I retreated here after those rebels ousted her from her rightful home.” The disdain in Cora’s voice was clear. 

            I crossed my arms. “The palace belongs to Snow White. She’s the rightful queen.” 

            “I see the rebels have you believing their lies. No matter. I am certain after some time with us, you’ll see the situation differently.” Cora smiled and motioned to the table. “Tea?” 

            I hesitated. Though her tone continued to remain polite, there was something ominous about her last statement. But because I couldn’t think of a reason not to, I nodded. “Thank you.” 

            We sat down at the table and Cora poured tea for me. I remembered having tea with Mother, who insisted on it because “it’s what cultured people do. And we’re cultured people, right, Regina?” Cora poured the water the same way Mother did. I felt like the Twilight Zone music should start playing to complete how strange this scene was. 

            “Some scones? I know you must be famished.” Cora held out a china plate with a green floral pattern on it. Several scones sat in a pile on it. 

            I wanted to turn them down. Just as I opened my mouth to do so, my stomach rumbled. Cora smiled and I realized I was caught. So I took a scone. “Thank you.” 

            “You’re welcome. We’ll get you a proper meal soon. But for now, why don’t we have a little girl talk?” Cora leaned closer. 

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