The Plan

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Never hold back your step for a moment

Never doubt that your courage will grow

Hold your head even higher and into the fire we go

("Into the Fire," The Scarlet Pimpernel)

Chapter 23: The Plan

            It took almost a week for my ankle and wrist to heal properly. Robin had Doc check on me daily to ensure it. Doc assured me that Robin was doing everything possible to help me heal and he encouraged me to keep resting.

            During that time, I was confined to either our bed or the couch in our parlor so I could keep my ankle elevated. I had been worried about catching cabin fever but I found I had a steady stream of guests to keep me company throughout the day. The Merry Men seemed to be on a rotation of who sat with me while Snow often visited.

            "This my fault," she said the first day. "You were trying to protect me."

            I took her hand. "This isn't anyone's fault except the Queen's. She sent those flying monkeys to attack."

            "The general consensus is that she knows about the alliances Charming and I are forming. She sent the monkeys to scare them off."

            "Did it work?"

            "A few lords pulled out of their agreements," Snow admitted. "Most just reaffirmed their dedication to our cause."

            "That's good. The Queen miscalculated that attack."

            Snow nodded before rubbing her stomach. "I just worry someone's told her about my baby."

            "There's a good chance," I agreed. "But none of us would let her harm you or the baby."

            We lapsed into silence and I decided to lighten the mood. "So, do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

            "Charming thinks it will be a boy but...I don't know, I just feel I'm having a girl."           

     I chuckled. "Ahh, mother's intuition."

            We were interrupted as Roland arrived, holding a plate of cookies. Granny followed him, a twinkle in her eye as she watched him run up to me. He held out the plate. "Look, Mama. Granny helped me bake cookies for you."

            Smiling, I patted my lap and Roland climbed up. He was careful not to drop a single cookie. I hugged him. "Thank you. You are the most thoughtful son ever."

            Roland chuckled before holding the plate toward Snow. "Would you like one, Princess?"

            "I would love a cookie. Thank you, Roland." She picked one up and took a big bite. Her eyes fluttered closed. "Oh, these are so good."

            Granny sat down in a nearby chair as I took a bite of my own cookie. I chewed a few times before recognizing the recipe was mine. "How did you know?" I asked Granny after swallowing.

            She smiled, motioning to Roland. "He remembered your recipe."

            "What?" I glanced down at Roland, who beamed at me. "Every last step?"

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