The Magic Tree

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Things will come out right now.

We can make it so.

Someone is on your side

No one is alone.

("No One is Alone," Into the Woods)

Chapter 25: The Magic Tree

            I sat with Snow as Robin and Charming had their heads bowed low over something. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

            "I don't know. I haven't even told Charming that it was a girl." Snow's hazel eyes flickered toward her husband.

            "So, it wasn't just mother's intuition? You really knew?" I leaned forward, intrigued.

            Snow nodded, taking my hand. "Back before you came, Charming and I went to visit his mother, Ruth. She gave me a necklace that would predict if we would have a child and the sex. At the time, I didn't think I could have children but the necklace told me I was going to have a little girl."

            We both glanced down at her baby bump. I asked with a look if I might touch and she gave a slight nod. I pressed my hand against her stomach, knowing the baby wouldn't kick yet. However, I could feel her...or rather her power. "She's strong," I said.

            "She is?" Snow smiled. "You can feel her?"

            I nodded. "So, Emma? Why?"

            "I heard it once—I think I have a great-great-great-grandmother or the like with the name. Ever since I was a little girl, I vowed to name my daughter Emma." Snow smiled at me. "You have to have some names picked out."

"I know that if I have a son, I'm naming him Henry after my father. That's really all I ever thought about when it came to children." Then I said to myself: "If I ever have children."

Snow grabbed my hand, pulling me into the bedroom. "What's going on?" I asked.

            "Wait right there. I still have Ruth's necklace," Snow explained. "You can use it."

            I was taken aback. "What? Why?"

            She tilted her head. "So you know if you're going to have children. Don't you want to know?"

            I stared at the necklace, amazed it could tell me something as important to my future as if I was going to have a child one day. Tears pricked my eyes as I looked at Snow. "Do you think it'll work for me? That it's not tied to Charming's family or anything?"

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