It's Finally Over

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Chapter 21: It’s Finally Over

Isabella was laying asleep in the bed when she woke up. She stirred as she was trying to wake up and open her eyes, but she had a horrible head, and she could not move the top of her body because of the pain.

As Isabella open her eyes she wanted to close them right away from the bright lights that were above her. She winced in pain and tried to cover her eyes. After her eye finally adjusted to the light she looked around at her surrounding to try to figure out where she was.

She was in a white room and it smelled of rubbing alcohol. Isabella looked around and saw her mother on one side of the bed in a chair sleep, and on the other side her two best friends also in chairs sleeping. Isabella tapped on her moms knee to try to get her attention.

“Isabella oh my gosh baby you’re finally awake”

Once her friends heard her mother they instantly got up with smiles on their faces that she was finally awake. Isabella tried to reply back but her throat was too dry and sore.

“Girl go get the doctor, and tell them that she is going to need so water”

The girls left to go get help. Isabella mom turned back around crying looking at her baby girl lying in a hospital bed.

“Baby the girls told me everything that happened, and what happened to you. I came as soon as I heard. Baby I thought you wouldn’t make it. I was so scared. Why didn’t you tell me that that Keith boy was hurting you and abusing you”

Now both Isabella and her mother were both crying. She was going to try to respond back to her mother, but her two friends came back in with the doctor and water. Isabella soon received a cup of water and her throat felt instantly better.

“Hi Isabella, I’m Doctor Duffy, do you know why you are in the hospital?”

“Yes I was shot”

“Correct, are you in any pain right now?

“Yes, I have a horrible headache and the whole top half of my body is in pain”

“Yea that okay you have a little pain when you first wake up, I will get the nurse to come in and give you a higher dose of your medicine, so the pain can subside, but Isabella like I told your mother you were shot in the top left part of your chest near your shoulder. You lost a lot of blood, but we were able to stop the bleeding and successfully get the bullet out. It will take a couple of week for you to recover, but you should be able to leave in a couple of days after we see how all your test look”

“That’s great baby isn’t it?”

Isabella looked to her mother and smiled. She was happy that even though a lot of stuff happened she was ok. The doctor soon walked out to giver her, her mother, and her friends some time.

“Mom I’m sorry that I did not tell you sooner about what was happening, but I was ashamed and I was scared”

“Baby it is ok what matter now is that you ok”

“Yeah, Izzy you had us scared for a moment there, but we are so happy that you are ok” Jordan said

“Yeah Isabella we were so scared because everything happened all at once”

“What actually happened?”

“Well you remember when you went to go to talk to Keith right?”

“Yeah, he told me that was sorry and that he loved me, but that he wanted to try at our relationship again, but I told him that I loved him also, but that we were not meant for eachother or meant to be. I tried to leave, but he pulled me back and was yelling and telling me that I wasn’t gonna leave him. When I got away i fell and when I tried to get back up I saw a gun and heard a gunshot. Then everything went kinda blurring and black after that.”

“Well when everyone heard the gunshot everyone got scared and started screaming and running everywhere. Me and Jordan went to go get you and leave, but when we went to get you we saw you about to fall and when we got closer we saw the blood and it was everywhere and we were so scared. You kept telling us that you were tired, and were trying to make sure that you didn’t go to sleep, but you closed your eyes…”

Lauren started crying from the memory of what happen. At this point Jordan started crying to.

“We thought you were dead Izzy. We called the ambulance, and while they were coming we tried to wake you back up, but you wouldn’t we thought we lost you. The ambulance soon came and took you away and told us the hospital you would be at. We called your mom while we were on our way there. We waited for an hour and then your mom came, and at the time the doctor came out and told us about your surgery, and how you lost blood and how they were able to get the bullet, and that you would be ok. They told us that you would be held in this room until you woke up. While we were waiting for you to come the police came by to try to ask questions about what happened?”

Isabella was soon alarmed when she realized that Keith could still be out.

“What about Keith is he still out there? Did they get it? What happened please tell me that he did not get away!”

“Baby they came back and told us that they got him and that he in custody. They found the gun still on him and that they are going to run test with the gun and the bullet to make sure it helps your cases, so that they know that it was a match”

Isabella was soon relieved and let out a big sigh of relief that she did not know she was holding in.

“Yea Izzy they came and told us that they found him behind one of the building hiding in the bushes” Jordan help confirm

“Thank god, so everything is good now?”

“Yeah baby everything is good now. You don’t have to worry about him anymore”

Isabella laid her head back down and closed her eyes and smiled. Everything was now over. She did not have to worry about Keith anymore and have to worry and constantly look over her shoulder.

She was finally free.


Hey guys, so it is not over lol. I have one more chapter for you and it is gonna be in Keith's POV. I know you guys will love it. I just hope that yall wont get upset about how this book has ended. Well I hoped you liked this chapter because I loved writing it. If you liked it don't forget to comment and vote.

Love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now