The Next Day

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Chapter 6: The Next Day

Isabella woke up with a smile on her face thinking about last nights events with Keith. How he took her to see an hilarious movie and then out to eat at a fancy restaurant.

Isabella soon heard her phone going off and when she picked it up she saw that it was a text from Keith.

Morning beautiful

Isabella had a huge grin on her face as soon as she saw the text from Keith. She wondered if she should message him back or not, and she thought it would be dumb of her to not.

Morning to you to :)

While she was waiting for his reply she decided to go tothe kitchen to get her something to eat. As she was making her way there she already saw her two roommates eating.

“Morning girls” Isabella said with a smile

“Hey Izzy Lauren made breakfast”

“Oh okay cool what is it?”

“I just made pancakes and eggs”

“Ok then thanks”

“Welcome we were trying to wait up for you but we kind of got sleepy and fell asleep”

“Yeah I saw when I came in last night”

“ Yeah so tell us how it went Izzy”

As soon as she said that all the memories came back and Isabella started smiling again

“Oh it must have been really good since you’re smiling”

“It was nice all did was go to the movies and out to eat, but it was wonderful”

“Aww that’s great Izzy, so what movie did y’all go see?”

“ We saw Let’s Be Cops”

“Oh that’s cool I heard that was a funny movie”

“Yeah it was, and after we went out to eat at the The Flame and the food there was amazing, and we talked a lot about different things, but he is really an amazing person”

“Aww isn’t that sweet”

“So did anything else happened?”

“Oh yeah it was kind of weird thought once you think about it”

“Well what is it Izzy”

“Once we figured out what movie we were going to see we got in line and as Keith was getting the tickets I saw this white girl in all black staring at us well really me. I didn’t really pay much attention to her because Keith soon go the tickets and we went inside to get snacks and drinks and stuff.”

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now