The Halloween Party

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Chapter 11: The Halloween Party

It had now been a couple of weeks since the girls first found out about Isabella and how Keith was abusing her. They still tried to get to her, but nothing she kept saying that she was not going to call the police and report him. The first couple weeks after Jordan and Lauren actually thought that he did get help because things were going good and they looked like the happy couple that they use to be.

It was now Halloween and that night Keith’s fraternity was having a party, and everyone was invited. All the girls made sure that they had their costumes. They were happy with all of their choices. Jordan had the cute and sexy nurse, Lauren was going a sexy pirate. Now when it came down to Isabella trying to find a costume she did not want something that was revealing a lot and that was showing too much because she did not want Keith to get mad with her. She knew that she did not want a repeat of things that she already told her friends were now over, so she ran her costume but Keith and he said it was ok. For halloween she was going as a cheerleader was still kinda sexy, but was ok and was going to fly by with Keith, so he wasn’t going to get mad or upset with her.

The girls all made their way up to the fraternity house. The house was booming with loud music and as soon as they made their way inside and saw every possible costume there was. Zombies,skeletons,angels, devils,superwoman, superman, everything. They girls soon made their way to the kitchen to get themselves drinks. After that all the girls soon departed from each other.

Isabella went around and soon found Keith next to the DJ probably suggesting a song. As soon as she saw him she made her way over to him.

“Hey” Isabella screamed over the music

“Hey baby” Keith said while gesturing them back to the kitchen so they could both try to hear each other.

“So are you liking the party?”

“Yeah it’s fun”

“That’s good have you had something to drink yet?’

“Yeah I got something on my way in”

“Ok that’s good did you want to dance I just told the DJ to play a song”

“Yeah sure”

Isabella and Keith danced for awhile and Isabella was having a blast. She was having fun with Keith. These were the moments that she loved with Keith. Just having fun and not having to worry if things were gonna change. She wished things could stay like that. After all the dancing Keith and Isabella went back to the kitchen to get drinks cause now they were both kinda sweaty.

“That was great. I love dancing”

“Yeah same here baby, you’re a great dancer too”

“Yeah you think so”

“I know so. I’ll be right back” Keith said as he kissed Isabella cheek and walked away from her”

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now