Back to the way things were

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Chapter 18: Back to the way things were

It had now been two weeks after Isabella broke up with Keith, and things were starting to look good for her.Her grades were pulling back up and she was not failing any of the other classes that she had. Her bruises were al healing, so that meant that she was now able to not hide it with make up and trying to avoid everyone and their questions. Also she had started back confiding in her roommate, and now had a better relationship with them. Isabella was finally happy and she liked how things were now going for her.


For these past two weeks Keith had been trying to get in contact with Isabella, but she knew better and just ignored every single form of contact that Keith tried to get to her through. He had tried calling testing, messaging her on facebook, but in the end she just ignored it all, and she was happy she was able to do that.


Now Isabella was happy that she was finally over with keith. She was happy that she was finally done with all the fights and the abuse that keith put her through. She was also happy that she did not have to be someone she wasn’t and pretend that she was happy with when really she was only with Keith so she wouldn’t upset him and hurt her again.


She was also happy that she got out while she could because she was afraid that with one bad argument that they had that keith would end up killing her and she did not want to live her life with someone who she thought would end her life. isabella did not want to live in all that paranoia.


Even though she stopped talking to him Isabella always kind of felt like she was being watched. Even though she was telling her friends more stuff these days she did not want to seem crazy, and tell them that she was feeling like she was being watched because in all reality she probably wasn’t and it could all be from the paranoia of that text that Keith had sent her weeks ago when she broke up with him.


if Keith thought that she was going to be scared of that text that he sent her that day then he was wrong. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her scared and constantly looking over her shoulder.


You think this is over. It’s far from over Isabella. I’m not giving up on you or us. You are mine and only mine.


Isabella had been deleted the messaged and she did not want to bother her friends so she did not show them or tell them about it. But every now and then she would think about it and wonder if what Keith said was actually true, but like every other time she would just push it to the back of her head and soon forget about it.


She was not going to let him win. isabella was happy that things were back to the way they use to be, and she was not going to let anyone ruin that for her not even her crazy ex Keith.


Hey guys sorry I have not been uploading in the past couple of weeks. I had Thanksgiving, and as soon as I got back from my Thanksgiving beak. I had to study and cram for my finals. I only have only one left, so i decided to stop studying and write another chapter for you guys. becasue I know you were all tired of waiting.

Well like always I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget if you do please vote and comment because i wouild absolutely love that. 

Love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now