The Text

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Chapter 16: The Text


Isabella just kept staring down at the screen on my phone. She wanted to answer it,but then she didn’t want to because Isabella was afraid of what he might say. It kept ringing and ringing. She decided not to answer it. She couldn’t handle hearing his voice again.


Isabella tossed my phone on my bed feeling a little relieved that she did not talk to Keith and made her way into the kitchen to find her a snack.


The whole entire day Isabella tried but to think about Keith and all the pain and suffering that he put her through, but she couldn’t and she spent most of the day cry and feeling sorry for herself. She kept asking herself how could she have gotten herself in a situation like this and why didn’t she stopped and nd the relationship after the first time that he hit her. After all the question it always came down to the same answer that was that she was madly in love with Keith and that she dealt with all of the pain because she thought he loved her too.


After all the hours of thinking Isabella finally wanted to end things and try to start over and forget that Keith even happened, so she decided to text him and tell that it is over.


Hi Keith this is me Isabella. I can not deal with all of this anymore. I can’t deal with the name calling and the abuse. I know I deserve better than everything that you put me though. Please don’t try to contact me in anyway. Sorry for how things had to happened.


Isabella felt like a whole bunch of weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she was happy that she finally built up enough courage to end the relationship with Keith.


When Isabella’s roommates got back she told them everything and how she finally ended things with Keith once and for all, and how happy she now felt knowing that she doesn’t have to worry anymore.


After the chat with her friends Isabella decided to go to bed. She happy because she was going to bed smiling instead of crying.


She soon got a text, but it soon changed Isabella’s mood.

You think this is over. It’s far from over Isabella. I’m not giving up on you or us. You are mine and only mine.


hey guys sorry it's not that long, but i wanted to put up something before you forgot about the book lol. I will try to write the next chapter soon and it will be in Keith's POV.

I hoped you guys like this chapter and if you did please vote and comment

Love you all <3 :)

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now