Home At Last

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Chapter 14: Home At Last

Isabella’s POV:

It was now Thursday and I couldn’t wait to leave. I was going to leave yesterday, but Keith thought it would be better if I stayed another day. I didn’t want to stay another day, but I was too scared that if I said no he would get mad and hit me again and I didn’t want that to happen.

I looked over at the clock on the side table and saw that it was ten in the morning. That meant that I could make it back to the dorms without bumping into my friends. I go up out of bed and grabbed some clothes and makeup and went into the bathroom.

After I got out of the shower. I tried my best to cover up the bruises with the makeup and I put some shades on so no one would see the black eye that was trying to heal.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Keith sitting on the edge of the bed. I went and sat on the other end of the bed.

“Baby I’m really sorry about all of this”

“I know you are Keith, but I’m ready to go”

“Yeah sure let me grab my keys and we can go”

Keith got his keys and was heading for the door. I followed after him and made it down and out of the frat house without anyone stopping us and noticing my face.

The car ride was silent and awkward. Keith kept trying to speak and talk to me, but I just kept quiet and continued to stare out the window.

We finally made our way to my dorm building. As soon as he stopped the car I got out out denying his request to walk me to my dorm. When I was in the building I turned around and saw Keith driving off.

I quickly made my way to my dorm, unlocked that door and ran to room and locked the door.

I changed into something comfortable and was about to get in the bed when my phone went off telling me I had a text. It was from Keith.

Hey baby was just checking on you and texting you to tell you I love you.

At this point I was frustrated and couldn’t take any of his mess, so I decided to not reply. I got in the bed and decided to just stop talking to him because this relationship wasn’t what I thought it would be.

I soon started crying again and fell asleep.


Sorry this chapter is short, but I hoped that you still liked it. If you did don't forget to comment and vote because I would really appreciate it.

Love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now