The Call

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Chapter 4: The Call

It now seemed liked a regular day for Isabella. She had now gotten into the swing of her college classes, and all the work that came with it. It had also been weeks two week to be exact since Isabella has heard from Keith. Since the party he hasn’t called or text her and now she was starting to think that he had forgotten about her, and was thinking that maybe she should forget about him to.

Jordan and Lauren kept bugging her everyday  after the party to see if he did contact her, but it was the same answer everyday. After about a week of asking it seemed like they kind of gave up hope about Keith contacting her.

Now it was a normal Wednesday afternoon for Isabella she had already been to her last class which ended at 1:00 and she was happy for that. She made her way to dorm and did what she usually did when she got in. She hit the refrigerator and got some chips and juice, and then made her way to her room where she put all her textbooks and notebooks on her bed to do her work.

About an hour into her work her phone rung and when she saw the caller ID she was surprised to see that it was Keith. She was contemplating on answering or not, but then she decided to answer it.


“Hey what’s up Isabella”

“Nothing much”

“Oh okay, do you know who this is?”

“Yeah Keith”

“Yeah so what you been up to?”

“ Nothing just going to class and doing work”

“That sounds nice I just wanted to say sorry I haven’t called or text  you lately”

“No it’s okay you don’t have to worry about it”

“Oh okay then”


Isabella soon thought that would be it of their conversation because it was starting to become a little awkward, but she was wrong they started talking for about an hour. Then things started to get quiet on both ends of the phone until Keith spoke up again.

“Hey I wanted to know can I ask you something?”

“Yeah sure”

“ I wanted to know would you like to go out on a date with me.”

“ Yeah that sounds great”

“ Great how about dinner and a movie Friday night?”

“Sure sounds like a plan”

“Okay great I’ll pick you up from your dorm at eight”

“Yeah that will be fine”

“Okay then great I’ll see you Friday bye Isabella”

“ Bye”

Isabella couldn’t wait til her date with Keith. Now all she had to do was tell her friends and find an outfit.

Another Chapter done yay!!

Well I hope you guys like this one too, and don't forget to comment and vote I would really appreciate it.

Thanks and love you all :) <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now