All These Questions

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Chapter 15: All These Questions


It was now Monday and Isabella got out of bed. She decided since she missed a whole week of class she had to go. Keith had called her nonstop the whole weekend. She decided to not answer. She just wanted to forget her whole relationship with Keith  because it was nothing, but pain and heartache.


Isabella got out of the bed and made her way into the kitchen to eat some cereal. Her two roommate soon came out. She had been trying to avoid them all weekend and hopefully her bruises and cuts healed up some so they wouldn’t notice.


“Hey Izzy it’s good seeing you girl”


“”Hey” Isabella said while facing down at the table


Both girls sat down at the table with Isabella.


“So you good?”


“Umm yeah I’m fine”


“”Really?” both girls stared at Isabella


“Yeah I’m fine I swear, please stop asking”


Isabella got up quickly and put her bowl in the dishwasher and went back to her room to get ready for class.


When Isabella got in class today she decided to sit in the back, and that’s not like her she is usually in one of the first two rows. Today she just wanted to be invisible and she was hoping it would go that way.


Everything went good in class and Isabella was successful with no one noticing her. Everyone was now packing up to go, but Isabella was soon stopped by her professor.


“Hey Isabella can you stay back for a sec?”


“Yeah sure”


Isabella made her way to the front of the room and waited for all the other students to leave the room.


“Isabella are you okay?”


“Yeah I’m fine why would you ask that?”


“Well you weren’t here for any of the classes last week”


“Oh I was just really sick”






“Okay then well if you need to talk or anything Im here okay; you know where my office is”


“Yeah and thanks for the offer”


Isabella quickly made her way out of the classroom and to her dorm. When she got in Jordan nor Lauren were there. she decided to go to her room and lay down.


Isabella had a million thoughts running through her head. she didn’t know what she should do so she decided to call her mom.




“Hey mom”


“Hey baby what’s up?”


“Oh nothing just wanted to call and check up on you”


“ Oh im fine baby how are you?”


Just the thought of how much of a wreck she was in Isabella started crying.


“Baby what’s wrong?”


Isabella thought whether or not she should tell her mother about everything that happened, but she didn’t want to worry her with her problems so she decided to lie.


“Oh nothing I just miss all of y’all and I’m a lil stressed about exams and stuff”


“Baby it will be alright. I’m sure you're gonna pass all of your exams you don’t need to stress about it”


“Thanks mom”


“Welcome well baby I have to go, but I will try to call you later on tonight okay”


“Okay then bye mom love you”


“Bye baby love you too”


After she got off the phone with her mom Isabella decided to to to the kitchen to find something to eat for lunch.


As soon as she got off of her bed and was walking out the door her phone started ringing. She made her  way back over to her phone and looked at the caller ID.


It was Keith.


Isabella got scared and worried all at the same time she was wondering should she answer it or not.

************************************************************************************************************Hey guys it's me again. I hope you liked this chapter and if you did please comment and vote. Tell me if you think Isabella should answer or not cause right now I have scenarios for if she answers and doesn't answer lol, but I want to know what you guys have to say.I want y'alls input so comment and tell me what you guys would like in the next chapter.

Like all I love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now