It all comes out

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Chapter 20: It alls comes out

It was the day of the bon fire and everyone was so excited to go. The girls were all prepped and ready already know what they were wearing. Isabella like she said had on jeans, a pink tank top and a black cardigan. Lauren had on capris and a purple t shirt, and Jordan being Jordan and trying to look cute had on a  black skirt and a white button down shirt. Isabella and Lauren tried to tell Jordan that it might be a little too chilly for that, but she did not care as long as she was looking cute.


Hours later the girls were making their way to the center of the school they could see the big bon fire as they were walking towards the middle. Isabella saw everyone having fun. She saw people in one spot dancing, and in another she saw people trying to sing countdown by beyonce very badly, but still have fun even though they knew they were no good.


About 30 minutes in the girls started getting into the swing of things and were having fun with everyone that was there. She was sitting down drinking a soda with her friends when she looked and saw Keith heading her way. her first response was that she was scared, but she thought back and knew that she was in control and he wasn’t anymore and she should not be scared of him. She knew that she was going to see him sooner or later and face her fears.


“Hey Isabella”


“Umm hi Keith”


Isabella thought the first greetings of exchange were awkward and did not really want to further the conversation, but she felt that is not what Keith had in mind.


“I wanted to know can I talk to you really quick”


Isabella did not know if she should or not. She was first she was going to protest and say no.


“Please just five minutes thats all I need”


“Umm sure why not; hey y’all I will be right back Keith wants to talk”


Lauren and Jordan gave her a worry look. They did not think that she should.


“You sure about that izzy?”


“Yeah sure it’s only going to be five minutes”


“Ok be careful please”




Keith soon leads her to a more secluded part. They were on the side of one of the buildings that was near the bon fire. Isabella thought that it was ok because people could still see them if anything did happen.


“Isabella I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for everything that has happen, and everything that I did to you and put you through. You did not deserve that am I am truly sorry, but baby I really miss you and love you and I want to get back together”


Isabella did not know what to say at first. She was just quiet and looked at him. She was trying to take everything that he said in.


“Keith I do love you and I have love for you, but I feel like we are not meant to be together or we aren’t meant for eachother. I’m s--”


“What do you mean we aren’t meant for eachother we are perfect for eachother Isabella!”


He then grabs Isabella and holds her.


“I’m not letting you go Isabella we are meant to be together”


Isabella pushes Keith away, and he doesn’t like that at all and she can see that it triggers something and before she can move away anymore he punches her across the face and it hits her cheek, and then again and it lands right on her eye.


At first Isabella was caught off guard by the hits and stumbles back a little. She soon gets her balance back and try to run away.




Keith soon pulls out a gun and shoots.




Isabella collapses.


Everyone around heard the gunshot and started screaming  and running around trying to find a safe place to hide. Keith soons realizes what he has done and runs away.


Jordan and Lauren run to bleeding Isabella.


“Izzy omg your shot”


“It’s gonna be okay Isabella the ambulance is coming”


“I’m tired”


“No Izzy don’t go to sleep, please whatever you do please don’t go to sleep”

Isabella couldn’t really hear her friends now the voices felt like that were only getting farther away from her,and she was in a lot of pain; she couldn’t deal with it all. She closes her eyes and soon everything becomes black.

****************************************************************************************** Hey you guys so I hope yu guys really like this chapter. Comment what you thought of this chapter and what you think is gonna happen next, and please vote.

The book is almost to the end only have like two or three more chapters dependly on how things role over into the next chapter.

Thanks and love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now