The Date

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Chapter 5: The Date

Isabella was really excited about the date, and once she told the girls they started squealing with excitement to. Both the girls helped Isabella with her outfit, She decided to with a simple lavender colored high low strapless dress with sandals. Now all she had to do was wait for the actual date to come up.

It was now time for the date and Isabella was really nervous. The girls helped her get ready with her makeup and hair. As she was waited in her room for Keith she got a text.

Hey i’ll be there in five minutes.

Isabella started smiling and walking in to the living room to wait for Keith. As she was walking Jordan and Lauren stopped her and gave her one last look.

“Go back in the room and we will call you when he comes to the door” Jordan said


“Because if you open the door as soon as he gets here then he will know that you were waiting and you don’t want to seem to eager right?”

“ Yeah I guess so; he said that he will be here in five minutes so i guess I won’t be waiting long” As Isabella said that she made her way back to her room and sat on the edge of her bed, and it seemed like forever, but really like two minutes until she heard the doorbell ring. Isabella got up and looked in her mirror once more before waiting for one of her friends to come and get her.

“ Hey don’t worry you look great and the date will do perfect ok, now get going and have a great time” said Lauren trying to reassure Isabella because she was looking more nervous by the second.

Isabella walked out of her room and into the living and saw Keith sitting down in one of the chairs and as soon he saw he stood up.

“You look beautiful Isabella”


“ Well you ready to get going”

“ Yeah”

Isabella waved bye to girls as her and Keith made their way out of dorm and down to his car. Once they were in Isabella wanted to know what they going to do.

“So what is the plan for tonight?”

“ I was thinking movie and dinner”

“ Yeah that sounds great”

Keith and Isabella made their way to the movie theatre and once there they were stumped with what movie they should see.

“ So what movie would you like to Isabella?” Keith asked.

“Um how about we look at something funny”

“Ok then how about Let’s Be Cops”

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now