Her Choice

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Chapter 9:Her Choice

Isabella was laying back on her bed thinking to herself about the decision that she made. She wanted to know if she was making the right choice. She was thinking of the pros and cons to continuing her relationship with Keith.


He was nice



Fun to be around

Is nice to talk to

A great listener


He was a little controlling


Even though the pros out weighed the cons. The cons were really bad and she didn’t want to be in an abusive relationship, whoever does though right. Even though Keith said that the wouldn’t hurt her again she didn’t know if she could trust him. But she guessed  her fate was already sealed when she said that she forgave him.

She was soon shook out of her thought when she got a call from Keith. She was wondering if she should answer it. She decided to and she didn’t want him to get  mad or upset if she ignored him. In fact even though he said that he wouldn’t do it again. She was really scared that he might try to do it again and she wouldn’t be able to handle that.


“Hey what’s up baby?”

“Nothing much what about you?”

“Nothing just got a little bored and I was thinking about you, so I thought I would call”

“Oh okay then”

“Yeah so what were you doing?”

“Oh nothing just laying down thinking about stuff”

“Oh about what?”

“Oh you know the usual stuff school, my mom, our relationship”

“Oh what about our relationship?”

Isabella was scared to tell him how she truly felt; which was how she was scared to be around him right now and how she did not feel comfortable around him, how she was scared that he would go back on his word and hit her again, and also how she couldn’t fully trust him again. She knew she couldn’t say that so she just lied to him. well partially lied.

“Oh how I am happy we are together”

“Me to baby”

“I really loved the roses you got me”

“Your welcome anything for you baby”

Isabella smiled at that at least she got the Keith she knew and loved back.

“Aww you’re so sweet Keith”

“Well I try to be, but baby I gotta go I’ll talk to you later okay”

“Okay bye”


Isabella was happy. She knew that she made the right choice


Well here is another chapter guys. I know it isn't a lot, but at least it's something right?

Well just know I have already started writing the next chapter and it is going to be longer than this and way better than this chapter, but still please comment and vote on this chapter because it will be greatly appreciated.

Love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now