The Next Day

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Chapter 3: The Next Day

The Next day Isabella woke up with a smile on her face thinking about everything that had happened the night before with Keith. She checked her phone just in case Keith text her, but to her disappointment there was nothing there. No notification or nothing telling her that someone text her.

After that Isabella got up and headed to the kitchen and decided to fix herself a bowl of cereal. As she was sitting down her roommates Jordan and Lauren walked in.

“Hey you guys”

“Hey Izzy what’s up” Jordan said while yawning

“Hey Isabella”

Both girls made their way into the kitchen making them a bowl of cereal. All the sat and chatted about what they were going to do for the rest of the day. Then they changed the topic to what each other did at the party. Jordan told then how she had a couple of drinks and danced with a couple of guys, and Lauren stated how she was hit on by a guy, but he was not her type and  she was trying to let him down easy but he wasn’t getting the hint and after about being annoyed by him for thirty minutes. She went crazy and yelled at him and left the party. All the girls laughed and soon Isabella told them about her night and how it was spent with Keith. How she said she learned about him and how she felt he really liked her. Also how he walked her home and asked for her number and said that he would call or text her later.

“Wow I wished my night was like that unlike being annoyed, but hashe texted you or anything yet.”

“ Nope not yet, but should I call him first”

“NO!” Both girls yelled in unison

“YOu don’t want to seem weird and needy and starving for his attention”

“Yea Izzy wait a while let him chase you not the other way around okay”

“Okay then I'll wait”

Isabella then checked her phone and nothing she hoped her friends were right and he would call her or text her soon.

Throughout the rest of the day Isabella got text and call, but to no avail they weren’t from Keith. While she was on her bed late that night she gave her phone one last look before she put it on the nightstand beside her bed. She hoped she would hear from Keith soon, but nothing while being a little frustrated Isabella went to sleep.


Hey you guys I know that this chapter isn't much, but I wanted to update and I hope you liked it. Also I wil be uploading the next chapter right after this one since I have already wrote it :)

Like always please don't forget to comment and vote I would really appreciate it.

Thanks love you all  :)  <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now