His True Colors

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Chapter 7: His True Colors

Isabella and Keith have been together for a few months now, and she was happy that they were. She was happy that he finally made it official and ever since then things were going good. At first even though her friends told her not to worry about the girl at the movie theatre that night she did, but she soon got to know Keith more and she realized that she had nothing to be scared about with him, and that he was not dangerous. In fact Keith was by far one of the nicest and sweetest guys that Isabella has ever meet.

The Mum festival was in town and Keith was taking her today she couldn’t wait to spend more time with Keith. She soon got a text from him saying that he was on his way so she made her way into the living room and wait for him in there. Once she was in there she saw Lauren in the Kitchen.

“Hey Isabella what’s up”

“Nothing just waiting for Keith to come pick me up”

“ Oh cool where yall going out at?”

“Just to the mum festival that is in town”

“Oh that’s nice”


Isabella was about to continue on in the conversation, but there was a knock from the door and it probably Keith, so she said her goodbyes to Lauren and made her way to the door.

“Hey beautiful”


“You ready to go?”


They were about to leave, but Keith saw what Isabella had on.

“Oh wait we ain’t going yet”

“Wait? what? why?”

“Because of what you have on”

Isabella goes looks down at what she is wearing which is just a mini skirt and a tank top.

“Why what is wrong with what I have on”

“You’re showing too much skin”

“What is wrong with that you don’t like that or something?”

“Yeah I like that, but I’m not gonna have every other man who see you tonight liking it either. I’m not having you walking out like a slut. No go change”

Isabella was shocked at first by his choice of words, but she thought that she should change before making him angry or mad because she has never seen that side of him and she wanted to keep it that way.

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now