The Final Straw

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Chapter 13: The Final Straw

Isabella’s POV:

Monday Afternoon

As soon as I woke up I didn’t know where I was. All I knew was that I had a headache  and my throat was really sore. I looked around me and I saw that I was on a bed and I was in a room that wasn’t my own. I was trying to put the pieces together about what happened because all I could really remember  was the halloween party, but I couldn’t remember anything that happened after me and my friends actually got to the party.

Soon everything started coming back as soon as Keith walked through the door. How I now knew I was in his his room after catching him cheating on me at the party, and how I went back up to his room to let him explain and then he hit me and everything went black. I can’t believe he beat me so bad i went unconscious.

Apparently I must have been out for a while cause as soon as Keith noticed that I was awake he ran over to the bed and kneeled beside me.

“Oh baby you’re awake you had me scared”

I flinched away from his touch as he tried to hug me. I could see that hurt show across his face, but I didn’t care he took it way too far and I can’t deal with this anymore. I tried to say that  but nothing came out.

“Oh baby let me get you something to drink”

I couldn’t say anything so I just shook my head and watched him get up really quick and run out of the bedroom door. He came back with a glass of water and handed it to me. I took it and gulped it down really fast. When I was done I sat myself up and just stared at him and waited for him to say something. After waiting for what seemed liked forever I decided to speak.

“So do you want to explain what happened last night?”

“Sure, but before I do I just want to tell you that I love you and that I am trely sorry for everything that I did to you”

“Yeah I figured you say that like you say every time you put your hands on me” I whispered under my breath. He must have heard me though.

“ I know but this time I mean it baby”

“Just explain what happened last night, why did you cheat on me?”

“Baby I don’t know what I was doing. I went away to talk to some friends. I had a lot of drinks and by the time I was done I kinda forgot everything that happened after that”

“Well I’ll tell you. I went looking for you and I found you on the side of the house making out with a girl. I caught you”

“I know baby and I’m so sorry for that I was drunk and did not know  what I was doing”

“What about all of this”

I said pointing to my face cause I could feel the bumps and bruises on it.

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now