It is never over!

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Chapter 22: It will never be over!

Keith's POV

I was laying down in my cell on the bed; which was uncomfortable by the way. I was thinking about Isabella, and also how I was in this hell hole. I didn't like being here it wasn't really my scene, but I'm stuck here for a while I guess.

I talked to my lawyer today and her told me that I would not be able to plead not guilty because if I did then they would make a big case out of it, and then they would bring in the jury and the witnesses. They told that since there were a lot of witnesses there that night that I would be in my best interest that I not go through with it and just take the plea deal.

Plea deal my ass they are only trying to save their asses. Don't they see that I am trying to hurry up and get out, so that I can get back to being with my beautiful Isabella. They told me that the deal would be that a sentence that is 25 to life and take the charge with attempted murder.

Even though it may not be the best way I am going to take the deal. Because if not then I could possibly be in here for longer and that will only make it longer for me to get out and be with Isabella.

At least I have that on ray of hope that hopefully I will be able to get out within the 25 years hopefully for good behavior or on parole.

When I do I know exactly what I will do first.

I will go and find Isabella.

And finish what I started.

If I can not have her then no one will ever have her.

Because until I get out it will never be over.


So I hope you guys liked the book. It was great writing it, and I loved writing it. Well like every other chapter If you liked it it would mean a lot if you comment and vote on the chapter and now the book.

Thanks you all for helping me on the journey for finishing my first book ever

Love you all <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now