The Aftermath

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Chapter 8: The Aftermath

The way back to the dorm was quiet. Keith did not say anything and Isabella didn’t dare say anything. As soon as they pulled up Isabella didn’t know whether she should leave or wait for Keith to say something. He didn’t and Isabella slowly opened the door and made her way out of the car. As soon as she was out Keith started the car and left. Isabella made her way to her dorms, and she was hoping that the girls were either sleep or out because she didn’t want to explain the reason she had a bruise on her face.

As she walked into her dorm she did not see any signs of her roommates, so she made her way into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and she was surprised the bruises were way worse than what she thought. Isabella had a big purple bruise on her cheek and a busted lip that was still bleeding and both were swollen. Isabella got a wash cloth and try to clean up and soon got in the shower and cried. She stayed in there for what seemed like an hour. When she finally got out she was crying and she decided to call her mom.


“Hey mom”

“Hey baby are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine mom”

“Really cause it sounds like you have been crying”

“Yeah a little”

“Why were you? Do you want to talk about it”

Isabella wondered whether or not she should tell her mother. She thought not to because she didn’t want things to get worse than what they already were, so she just decided to lie to her mother.

“Oh I’m just a little homesick that’s all mom. I just miss you”

“Aww baby will I missed you to and it is ok most kids get a little homesick when they get to college”



“Well I just wanted to talk and she how you were down there?”

“I’m fine sweetie, everything is going good, how about you how are you classes going?”

“Oh they are good a lot of notes, but they are still good”

“Oh that is good are you making any friends?”

“Yeah mom I’m making friends”

“Oh then why aren’t you with them tonight then”

“I went out with this guy”

“Oh so there is a guy in your life”

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now