Twenty Three

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By the time Kaenisa and Zaic arrived at the humongous double doors of the Throne Room, along with Sarina and Rolan, Zaira was already there, pacing in front of them like a feline high on catnip.

Blood roared through her ears, a tingling sensation of excitement tinged with panic and confusion coursing through her veins.

Kaenisa's mind wandered, cheeks flushing as she tried not to make the fact that she and Zaic had just been tangled up within each other's arms too obvious.

She could still taste him on her tongue, an addictive savour that made her head spin, with thoughts she'd rather not reveal.


"What are you thinking about?" A husky voice breathed down her neck.

Kaenisa felt her face ignite, a fire that reached up to her ears, a desire that scorched her heart.

She looked over her shoulder, into those smoky lavender eyes and at those delectable lips of his as she whispered back, "Pinning you to that wall over there and kissing the living daylights out of you."

In his indigo-lilac eyes, burned a fire too bright for her to endure.

Kaenisa looked away, knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist the urge to grab his face and relish the warmth of his mouth over hers if she held his gaze any longer.

It was contagious, the passion that burned in his eyes, because she could feel it spread through her body, settling into a pit in her stomach. 

"What's going on?" Sarina questioned as she and Rolan walked coming from behind, presumably the training room.

But before anyone could say anything, the doors flung open. Zaira beckoned them within, a sense of urgency now spreading through them all.

The King sat on his opal throne, stiff and tense, one leg thrown over the other, a hand under his chin, forehead creased in what she concluded to be a troubled expression.

"Father." The twins greeted in unison, walking up to the dais.

"Children." He returned gravely.

"We came as quick as we could." Zaira asserted.

"I am afraid we are facing some....complications at one of the sites of attack." The King explained, his gaze lingering on Kaenisa before shifting to Sarina and Rolan.

"Wai...wait. What attack?" The Sarina demanded, confusion rippling in her cobalt eyes.

"Umm...not to be rude or anything but this sounds an awful lot like a private matter." The Russian said nervously.

"Why do you think you're here, Rolan Antonov?" The King spoke, voice as hard and cold as the floor beneath them.


"Because you carry Atlantean blood within you. Because, you have magic in your genes. That means, you have a duty to this land and to its people. We clothed you, fed you, trained you-"

"Yes, but we never asked for any of it." Kaenisa interrupted, her amber eyes storming.

"We plucked you out from whatever rat hole you were living in, is this how you repay us!?"

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