Fourty Four

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"Kaenisa?" Zaira repeated, pulling her out of the frenzy of thoughts that had followed his message.

'We need to talk.'

The words rang in her ears, a trace that husky voice forever seared into her memory.

"Umm yeah." She finally responded after what felt like an eternity.

"Yeah no, why are you standing in the middle of the reading looking like someone just painted three coats of white all over your face?"

"I um..."

Kaenisa had half a heartbeat to decide what to say, she didn't know whether to tell her friend the truth about what had just happened or deflect.

"Well go on then. You're blocking the road darlin'." Zaira urged, moving her hand in rotating motions.

"Nothing, just a bit dizzy."

"I pushed you too hard with sparring, didn't I?" Zaira questioned, more to herself, looking thoughtful and, to her immense guilt, a little apologetic.

"No-No, I think I just need some rest."

"Yeah, I guess you do."

"Yup. I'll just head back to the base." Kaenisa drawled, carefully watching The Princess' face for any signs of suspicion.

And the fact that there were none only drove the dagger of guilt in deeper. But this was uncharted territory and, she was walking on thin ice.

"In that case, I'll return to the palace."

And with that, they resumed walking. There was still some time before they had to part ways.

"So, what is Deimos to you?" Kaenisa asked, forcing as much indifference in her voice as she could.

"Well, he's my first cousin. My aunt's son."

"Wait. The King has a sister?"

"Yup. Cassiopeia. We call her Aunt Cassi for short."

"I see." She muttered.

So he was the twins' older brother, and her half-brother since the King's sister had married Kaenisa's father.....But the timeline still didn't match up. Partially because she had no idea what had gone down between her parents. Or how they'd met for that matter.

"You didn't know?" Zaira asked softly.


"General Cazek really didn't tell you?"

Kaenisa shook her head, averting her gaze, focusing on her feet, falling one after the other.

No. He hadn't. She would have probably spent her whole life not knowing that she had a brother had it not been for today. Because her father, for reasons unbeknownst to her, had not so much as hinted, at the fact that he already had a complete family.

"I'm sorry." Zaira finally said after a long pause.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." She reassured, sounding far from okay, "Besides, it doesn't change much anyway."

"But it does! It changes everything! How can he do this to you after-"

Whatever Zaira was about to say next was drowned out by the ping of her phone.

She watched as her friend's face scrunched up into a frown, brows knitted together.

"-gotta go?" Kaenisa finished, "I know."


"Oh come on. Don't be silly. Go and fulfill your boring princess duties await and get your ass back to The Base afterward."

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