Thirty One

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For a second no one moved a muscle.

For a second, only before everyone suddenly felt the urge to say something, AT THE SAME TIME.

"What the fuck, how?"

"Kaenisa what did you do?"

"What in the name of black magic-"

"How did you do that?"

"Um-I..." Kaenisa started, but Rolan cut her off.

"How the hell did you make it fucking EVAPORATE!"

"I don't-I mean...I don't know-" Kaenisa began but trailed off, panting.

She could feel the sweat trickling down her face, pain twisting her insides. Everyone's gaze was trained on her as if she was some kind of a freak.

Her fist tightened to the point where Kaenisa could feel her nails started digging in her palms, but that didn't hurt.

What hurt was the thought of losing friends again. Just because of something she couldn't even control. She was afraid of having to endure those stares and...and eating lunch alone because nobody would sit with her at school or because her mother was never home.

Why was it always where it ended?

With her getting attached and ending up all alone to deal with the heartache? Why did the world have to judge her so harshly?

Kaenisa's heart began to pound and not in a good way. She could tell by the black starting to edge her vision.

Only her mother and General Cazek remained calm.

Too calm. Almost tensed. Why else would both of them stand there, looking as grim as characters out of a black noir film with shadowed expressions and lips pressed into a thin, hard line. It made the world spin.

Or maybe it was her.

Probably the latter, but it was a problem because she could feel her knees buckle, "Ma...."

"Kaenisa? Kaenisa! Everyone, shut the fuck up!" Shefali bellowed, holding onto her like it was the end of the world.

It didn't help though, cause the very next second, she felt her legs give out, crumbling to the ground like a house of cards.

"No, no, no. Her wound is bleeding again. No. Baby, hold on for me okay?" Her mother cooed, voice trembling as she turned to The General, "Cazek do something, she's bleeding too much."

"Kaenisa, Kaenisa look at me. Don't close your eyes." His voice whispered in her ear.


"Yes, I'm right here."

Had she said it out loud? Oh yeah, she had. It was hard to keep track of what was happening. Even harder to stay awake like Zaic had asked her.

It was...too difficult to keep her eyes open, so hard to not give in to the heavy pull of oblivion just starting to tug at her consciousness.

"I can't. I'm so sorry...." Her words slurred, eyelids dropping, "I can't....."

Whatever Kaenisa was planning to say next got drowned in the wave of drowsiness that hit her, too strong to resist.

She could do nothing except let go and give in to the void waiting to engulf her whole.


His heart skipped a beat, several beats, as her hand fell limp.

"No." He said, "No, no, wake up. Please, you can'" He begged, voice cracking.

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