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Pain flared through her body, black swimming in front of her eyes as she held her breath, willing the agony that weaved itself through her thigh and shoulder, to go away.

'Cold,' she observed. The ground Kaenisa had collided with, was cold.

She blinked, willing the black tainting her vision to disappear. But even after what felt like hours, it stayed. The darkness.

Then it hit her. It was so dark, that the light had no choice but to surrender to the void, leaving not even a trace of it ever existing.

Kaenisa had no idea where she was. But at least she was alive, something she was rather glad to be able to say lately.

Feeling the floor beneath her fingers, Kaenisa found that it was smooth, almost too smooth.

"Rolan? Kaenisa? Are you guys there? I cannot see a thing!" Sarina declared.

"Really? I can see everything." Kaenisa replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. One could almost hear the scowl in her words.

"What!? Then why can't I!?" Sarina asked innocently.

"Seriously?" Kaenisa jutted out her head, her lips parting in disbelief as her eyebrows shot up with the absolute absurdity of the platinum blonde's reply.

"I'm being sarcastic." She clarified, baffled by how someone could be so naive.

"Oh. Sorry...I was just.....sorry..." Blue Eyes trailed off. Kaenisa could almost see her turning red.

She sighed, wondering how she had ended up here. One minute she was at the signal and the next, she had fallen on her butt into absolute darkness, after a tiring, not to mention, completely unwilling trek.

And she had done it all while being injured and vastly irritated by a blue-eyed chatterbox that just did not seem to have a zipper on her mouth.

She let out a frustrated sigh before beginning to feel for walls or anything that could end the darkness that filled the space while Blue Eyes called out to the Russian.

Kaenisa pushed herself off the floor, about to swear at her kidnappers when a sudden, loud click caused her to stiffen. She froze, and judging by the silence, so had her companions.

Her heart jumped out of her throat as a soft, low hum filled the space a heartbeat later.

Lights flickered to life. Dull at first before intensifying into bright and glaring LEDs, making her squint a little.

It was only then that Kaenisa realized where they were. A glass box. But all she could see beyond that were damp concrete walls, lined on two ends with what seemed like wide strips of some kind of a glowing material.

She turned around to find the other two examining their surroundings, confused and afraid. Just like her. None of them wished to be here.

After all, she was sure that being hauled into a plane or ship or whatever it was before being thrown into probably wasn't on anybody's Christmas wishlist.

Kaenisa shifted her focus to the numerous rectangular patches in the glass. Several circular buttons, identical to the ones she had seen on the ship, beeped rhythmically.

It seemed like one of the isolation boxes from a Sci-fi movie into which the subject was shoved and kept there for 'observation'.

Kaenisa shuddered internally at the similarity, hoping that it wasn't going to be their fate.

Sarina helped Rolan off the glass floor, which seemed opaque. A milky white which rippled every time they stepped on it. Their steps made the opaque glass floor ripple like a freaky hypnotic screensaver. Kaenisa might have thought it was cool under different circumstances.

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