Forty Nine

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Kaenisa moved with swift alarm, as did the others. Their footsteps echoed through the corridors, tension weighing down on them.

Her stomach was twisted in knots, heart pounding as she wondered if this was it.

Maybe the King had decided to punish her for the 'crimes' she had committed, the lives she had taken and the destruction she had left in her wake.

Zaic's hand enveloped hers before giving it a tight squeeze. She knew what it meant, what he meant.

She looked up into his lilac eyes, sunlight shining through his hair, making the amethyst within his curls pop out, glinting off his cheekbones. They held within, an assurance. As if to say, 'It's going to be okay.'

She squeezed it back, flashing him a dazzling smile as they came to a stop before the gigantic double doors.

They looked exactly the same as the first time she'd seen them, the day they'd arrived in Atlantis, as captives.
Those days seemed so far away, like a lifetime ago, she thought as the doors groaned open.

The King sat on his throne, elbow on one knee as he peered into a screen, the General held in his hands, a troubled expression settled over both of their features.

Surrounding them was chaos. All the ministers and noblemen, whispered amongst most themselves with an air of urgency settled over the room.

"Children," The dark-haired man spoke, looking up as they walked towards the Dias.

"Father." The twins greeted in unison, walking up to the King, bowing deep while the rest of them stayed behind.

"I am afraid that we have yet again run into trouble." He began.

"He doesn't beat around the bush, huh?" Rolan whispered, loud enough for only them to hear.

Kaenisa smirked, pushing the rising dread down, "Bet you a hundred bucks he'll send us on another save-the-world mission."

God, she hoped she was wrong.

"You're on." Sarina asserted, a bold look in her cobalt eyes, mischief weaved into her smile.

But all of that vanished the second King Zorian began to speak again.

"We have strong reason to believe that all target sites are high-risk zones for radiation, earthquakes and other after effects and, if not inspected or successfully stopped, this may turn into a catastrophic problem."

Her heart sank. He was indeed sending them on a mission, to save people. And she was....well....a murderer.

"Now then, there is no time to waste. You must be ready and on a SkyLift to Russia." The King decreed as if it were the most obvious thing.

She turned her head just in time to see Rolan's eyes widen bit by bit as if the realisation was slowly sinking in.


"Yes, St. Petersburg to be precise."

"What? Why should we–" Rolan began, stopping himself, lips parting as he tilted his head back, "Near the diner." He said slowly, though she had no idea what he was talking about.

Kaenisa would have to ask him about it later. Or not because she could tell that the king's words had struck a nerve.

Because his voice had changed, no more that of a clueless boy but that of a man. A man who had a past.

"Yes." The King confirmed.

The Russian looked like he had just heard the declaration of his execution, colour leeching off his face, eyes darkening.

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