Fourty Eight

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He panted, poisoned by dread and fear. They had barely managed to teleport everyone to safety before....before Kaenisa had dropped her onyx veil down on them. Zaic still did not know what to make of that.

But what he did know was that they had not been fast enough. Because Sarina had almost lost her arm and Asher's foot was...well...missing. It had been chopped off clean, blood spurting from the wound like a fountain.

Zaira had tried her best to stop the bleeding from Sarina's arm. It was a grisly sight to look at, with the skin over her elbow gone, white peeking out from under the lacerated tissue.

Ms Mehta had healed her as best as possible, unspoken worry evident in her chestnut eye before moving on to Asher, fixing him up as best as she could. Regeneration was impossible. At least at the moment.

Zaic bleed from God knew how many places but all he could think about was her. His heart felt like it would explode, stomach, churning with uncertainty as he started at the dome of darkness that Kaenisa had brought down upon the mutants.

He couldn't stop thinking about that voice. The one that had decreed for them to die. It had been like a whisper and a bellow at the same time. Cold, inhuman and definitely not Kaenisa.

So the question arose, who was the woman that had nearly killed them all? Deep inside, below all the doors she kept locked. Doubt had seeped into his heart, though he had tried his best to keep it out.

Then the worst kind of fear came to life.

Would he still be able to look at Kaenisa the same way if he knew?

Zaic wondered as he looked around, at the devastation that had run through this City; what he would find if he peeled off her layer one by one. But what truly, truly scared him was the answer to his question.

That a part of him would always love her, no matter what she was. No matter what she had done.

Then, without a warning a rumble shook through the ground, causing him and the others to duck instinctively. His eyes shot up towards the dome of darkness.

Before anyone could react, glaring luminance, washed over the City, forcing him to shield his eyes for a solid ten seconds. It subsided, with a wave of pure, raw energy, powerful enough to make him lose his balance and fall to the ground.

It took Zaic a moment to realise what had just gone down. To notice that the obsidian shield that had snapped into place trapping both Kaenisa and the mutants had disappeared.

"Kaenisa..." He breathed, the blood in his veins frozen with fear.

But before he could even get off the ground, Deimos was already moving, dread and angst visible in his silvery stare, fixated on where the dome of darkness had been.

Zaic followed suit, sharing his sentiments. If anything had happened to Kaenisa.....No. She had to be okay because if she wasn't then that would put her blood on his hands.

He knew, all too well that he was the reason behind whatever Kaenisa had just unleashed.

She had asked him one simple thing. To keep Aara safe.

Kaenisa had almost died for that little girl while he had tried and failed to subdue even one of those abominations and had cost Aara, a mere child, her life.

His father was right. Zaic truly was a failure, a waste of space and honestly, highly undeserving of the love Kaenisa showered him with.

But all of that didn't matter right now. Because right now, the only thing he cared about was her.

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