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"Our what now?!" Kaenisa hollered, unable to comprehend the insane amount of bullshit in what the boy had just spewed out of that pretty mouth of his.

"There's a King here!?" Sarina blurted, clearly thrown off.

"Yes, and He awaits your arrival. You must not keep him waiting." The girl asserted. Her voice was deep, almost...serene. Powerful nonetheless.

"Does this King of yours have a name then?"

"Yes. Zorian Aethier. But you shall refer to him as Your Majesty." The girl instructed, tone firm and final.

That, in addition to her pinning stare and the perpetual frown on her lips, told her that it would not be a good idea to test the girl's patience.

So, with absolutely no chatter, they followed them out of the restaurant, through a series of hallways before finally finding themselves under the sky-no. Water, again.

She had forgotten they were underwater. For a moment, Kaenisa had overlooked the fact that she was here against her will.

Never again.

But that didn't mean she would refrain herself from admiring the breathtaking beauty of this place. It was truly magical, like a City straight out of a sci-fi movie.

"Marvelous, isn't it?" A hypnotic voice whispered into her ear, breath tickling her neck.

It startled her. Immensely so.

That was probably why her hand was flying backwards before she could react.

Less than a heartbeat later, she felt her elbow slam into what Kaenisa suspected was someone's abdomen.

"Oof." The person she had so instinctively walloped, groaned. But before Kaenisa could stop herself, the back of her head had already connected with something. Hard.

Oh shit.

That must have been someone's nose, judging by the howl of pain that followed.

Cursing herself in all of the six different languages she could speak, Kaenisa whirled, an apology on the tip of her tongue, almost colliding with a wall of muscles.

Her gaze shot up. Into a pair of mildly amused lilac-indigo eyes. They were unnecessarily breathtaking, a nebula painted across the ever-expanding cosmos.

"Oh." She said, voice dripping with indifference.

Too bad he was one of them.

"That's it? Oh? That was a pretty strong blow for a delicate rose like you, sweetheart. Almost damaged this City's most precious treasure." The boy-Zaic spoke, mischief twinkling in his irritatingly gorgeous eyes as he held his nose.

Kaenisa sighed, pursing her lips as she lowered her head before folding her arms across her chest and stepping closer to his distractingly handsome face.

"Apparently not, since you're still talking. Also, comparing me to a part of a plant, is highly insulting. But if you're really inclined to do so, I'll have you know that I'm not a rose. I'm a Belladonna." She purred, returning his lilac gaze with a scalding look of her own.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, a mocking grin on his face, "Feisty, are we?"

"That's infinitely better than kidnapping people and holding them hostage against their will." She sneered.

The boy chuckled, his dimpled smile broadening to reveal two nearly perfect rows of teeth but for one crooked canine. And the worst part was that it made him all the more irresistible.

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