Sixty One

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Kaenisa rifled through her wardrobe, tossing items aside, searching for her gear when her mother barged into the room.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked, voice sharp and her stare even sharper.

It had taken her a second for Zaic's words to register completely. Maybe it was the fact that she'd just woken up from a coma or that it was one shocking news after another—probably both, but her senses were slower than she'd like them to be.

But that wasn't important right now. Because right now, she had her hands full of a bigger problem called her mother. And she was a formidable opponent.

"Getting ready," Kaenisa replied, flinging her bodysuit to the side.

"Like hell you are."

Even though her back was turned to Shefali, judging by the aggressive tone of her mother's voice, it wasn't all that hard to guess that her glare could probably burn down armies.

"Ma, we really do not have time for this."

"Kaenisa, you've woken up from a literal coma not even a full hour ago. You shouldn't even be standing up right now, let alone go fight in another god-forsaken battle." Her mother rambled

"While you do put forward a very strong argument, I'm okay, ma. In fact, I have never felt better or so well rested in a while." She assured, finally locating her gear.

"That is not how it works, beta...Your body is in no position to handle the kind of stress you're willing to undergo right now."

"Ma, please. I have to do this."

"You don't have to do anything, Kaenisa. If it's the Atlanteans you are worried about, then don't bother. They'll understand." Shefali assured, "I'll make them."

"No, Ma—"

"Is it Cazek? Zorian? Did Rolan blab? I swear that boy cannot keep his mouth shut to save his life. Oh, whatever will he do? How can I not be worried when you're surrounded by such kids? They're completely untouched by the evil in this world." Her mother blabbed on, launching into another one of her worried rants, forehead creasing with concern.

She didn't miss her mother's casual tone as she'd called the King by the name. Calling him as one would if they were college buddies. But what troubled her more was the fact that they knew something she did not, and she had a pretty good idea that it had something to do with what had gone down that night.

Kaenisa had lost control again. She couldn't blame the Atlanteans for being wary. After all, they'd want to rein in their most lethal lapdog before it began to bite their hand.

She'd turned into a weapon, a commodity, exploited for the powers her Atlantean heritage brought to her. Was there a possibility that she'd have been a danger to those around her without their intervention? Yes. But that did not justify the way all of them were treated.

Like they were expendable. Something to be cast aside after they'd outlived their usefulness.

A sharp knock on the door interrupted her train of thought and her mother's ramblings, who promptly proceeded to open it, revealing General Cazek standing in the hallway, fully dressed for battle.

"Is everything okay?" He queried, voice laced with unusual concern.

"No." Shefali shot back, "No, everything is not okay. Your daughter here—" She continued, thrusting her arm in Kaenia's direction, "—insists on joining us in London. Would you mind explaining to her that we aren't going there for vacation and that she is in no condition to handle what we plan to do?"

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