Thirty Eight

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Zaic woke up to an ethereal melody, a soft hum at first which quickly bloomed into one of the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. It drove the sleep away from his eyes, replacing it with goosebumps that now prickled every inch of his body.

He could not understand the words, but the voice itself had him growing more and more awake by the second. It energised him, like a rush of adrenaline but subtler.

And the surprising part was that at the same time, it aroused a sense of serenity he had never experienced before, a tranquilliser for his troubled mind. 

Zaic could not resist the melody any longer, throwing on an A-shirt, he headed out of his room and towards the source of the music, needing to be closer to the all-consuming song.

It was only when he was descending the staircase did he realise that it wasn’t just some jiggle or rhyme, but a prayer. One of devotion, love and unconditional surrender in exchange for a sense of peace like no other. He knew because ataraxia overtook him with the gentleness of the petals against one’s skin.

Zaic couldn’t help but close his eyes, unable to resist the inviting sense of undulating calm that rushed in with every change of pitch, notes and tone.

He didn’t even notice the others had joined him. Not until the final notes of the song were reached anyway, filling him with a sad longing for more.

Strangely, even after the melody died down, the serenity still remained. For the first time, Zaic did not feel the need to speak, express or explain himself to anyone, and it felt amazing. 

Then they all stepped forward and into the living room, which housed the mandir or the temple. In front of the deity stood Kaenisa, eyes closed in orison. 

He had never seen her look so…..peaceful and angelic, dressed in a beautiful tunic, painted in shades of scarlet, fuchsia and pink. It showcased her heritage and brought out the pure aesthetic of Kaenisa's beauty. 

A side of her, Zaic had never seen before. 

She smelled like lavender and…..stardust, divine as the song she had sung, those magnificent black locks tumbling down her back. 

Kaenisa looked beyond gorgeous.

When she finally turned to face them, Sarina was the first to break the silence, “That was…….beautiful.” 

“It was amazing!” Zaira complimented. 

“Oh please, it wasn’t that good.” Kaenisa said, looking at him with inquisitive eyes.

“Stop being modest, you were incredible .” Zaira said, her lilac eyes reflected the burning fire in front of the deity. 

He walked up to her, to the enchantingly beautiful woman who had stolen his heart and was slowly but surely captivating his soul.

"Thank you. For giving me something I didn't know I had needed before." He said, looking into those Elysian eyes of hers, a burning shade of copper and gold.

"What are you talking about? The song?" Kaenisa asked, confused.

"You." He said.

Zaic looked at the woman before him, awed at how someone could become so essential in such a short while. 

He never knew that he could feel this loved. Never imagined that she would become this important.

“I never knew you could sing so well! I could hear you from my room! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Sarina exclaimed, awe-struck.

“Guys stop it! I am just doing what I used to do here, at home.” Kaenisa said. 

“What song was that?” Rolan asked, rubbing his eye. 

“It wasn’t a song exactly, it was a prayer,” Kaenisa said, “A pretty old one, ‘Itni Shakti Mujhe dena daata ’ which loosely translates to, ‘god please give me strength’.”

“But um….Rolan?” Kaenisa said, looking at him with a kind of a warning and he could see why.

“What?” The green-eyed boy asked, brows furrowed in confusion.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Kaenisa asked. 


“Uh buddy, she is talking about your pants.” Zaic whispered in his ear. 

“My what?—oh…” Rolan said, turning beet-red with embarrassment as he realised, his pants were…..well missing.

“Now what are you waiting for?!” Kaenisa scolded, “Put on a pair of pants!” She said before watching the brown-haired boy scurry away, beyond mortified. 

“You guys were pretty loud last night.” Kaenisa began, once The Russian had left, an indifferent, almost disinterested look in her eyes. 


Zaic had come to understand what had gone down between his girlfriend and Sarina from his sister, who looked like she was about to murder someone, mostly likely Rolan.

“Alright children, breakfast is ready.” A voice called out.

He already knew that Ms Metha stood behind them before he turned around to face her. But what he had not expected was to be blown away by the aura of elegance Kaenisa’s mother was bathed in.

Dressed in a tunic similar in style to Kaenisa’s but a beautiful shade of turquoise seasoned with golden embroidery.

“Is today a special day or something?” He couldn’t help but ask.

“It is Holi. The victory of good over evil is celebrated on the eve of Holika Dahan which is today. People light the bonfire on this day and commemorate the triumph of Bhakt Prahlad's faith in Lord Vishnu over the evil intentions of his father Hiranyakashipu and his aunt, Holika.” Ms Shefali explained.

“Damn. That’s hella interesting.” Sarina remarked.

Zaic had to agree. From all the various cultures and beliefs around the world, he had found the Indian customs and traditions to be…..quite intriguing. 

They all proceeded to sit down for breakfast, only after taking a bath of course. It was the only way one was allowed to sit at the table.

“Zaic, Zaira, any updates?” General Cazek demanded the second they seated themselves.

“No talk of this at the dining table shall be entertained.” Ms Metha instructed, tone final.

“There is a lot of work to do and-” 

“Oh come on! Give the kids a break. They have more than earned it.”

Zaic had never liked Ms Shefali more, a tingling warmth spreading through his chest as gratitude blossomed within his heart.


“Come on General, can’t we have just one day off?” Zaira cooed, making a terrible attempt to give him the puppy eyes. 

“Yeah, its been a rough couple of weeks. I think a day’s break is more than justified.” Zaic added. 

“Fine but-" Cazek was cut off by a frantic Sarina who had rushed into the dining area, panting, as if she had finished a marathon, screaming something along the lines of, ‘I did it.’

“Hey, hey. Calm down! What’s the matter?” Rolan began, trying to get the blonde-haired girl to breathe.

“Yeah. Why are you screaming like a deranged creature at….seven in the morning?” Kaenisa frowned.

“Its—its ready!” That was all she could say before asking the rest of them to follow her.

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