Twenty Nine

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"No." Shefali said, as calmly as the sea before a storm.

"We don't have time for this, it's imperative that we get there, Shefali. People might get hurt!" The General argued, clearly exasperated.

"People. People. People. We both know how much each of us have lost because of these people." Her mother hissed.

Under normal circumstances, this would have been passed off as an everyday argument between her parents.

But given that it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since Kaenisa had learnt that The General was her father and her mother never hissed, it was much more.

'It's not lady-like. A cheap way of expressing your anger.' She used to say.

"This time will be different." Cazek whispered, "I promise."

"Your word means nothing." Her mother asserted, voice as grim as death itself. Years of history, unknown to Kaenisa, glinted within her chestnut glare, hard as steel.

Shefali's words rang through the basement, apparently a first for everyone to hear. Even The General-no. Her father seemed to be rendered speechless. But her mother did not stop there.

"Look at the kids, look at them! None of them came back 'without a scratch', like you had promised. Seeing the state they're in, only assures me that I made the right decision to keep her away from you!" Kaenisa's mother rustled, jabbing a finger at her, "How could you willingly send her into the mouth of danger after knowing that she's your daughter!?"

"Ma please-" She interrupted, more embarrassed than afraid.

"Stay out of this." Her mother forced through gritted teeth.

It was scary because Kaenisa had never seen her mother so worked up. Ever.

"Sorry...." She apologized, looking back at all her friends with sheepish eyes.

"I don't think this is something you need to apologise for, love." Sarina whispered back, garnering nods of agreement from the squad.

"And besides, it's like watching a soap opera, but live!" Rolan breathed, earning four glowers from each of them.

"Shefali, the past is in the past. But you know, so very well, what will happen to the present if we don't stop this." The General said, staring into Shefali's eyes in a way that she was sure was pretty uncomfortable for all of them.

"This is different. Back then, I had nothing to lose." Shefali said more softly, brows furrowed, "Now I do."


"Wait...wait. What do you mean 'back then'? Back when? Exactly how long have you two known each other?" Kaenisa interrogated.

What the hell had gone down between them?

Because at this point, it seemed more than a fling or a one night stand. Was she....not a mistake?

"Not now Kaenisa-"

A loud beeping interrupted her mother.

All eyes turned to General Cazek, whose face looked grave enough to make her heart skip a beat, "Shefali. Please." He implored, earnest urgency evident in his voice.

Her mother looked away, contemplating.

It was getting harder and harder to disagree with Rolan of this being like a soap opera fight, each second. Kaenisa was sure that it would be a no.

That was probably why her heart stopped when Shefali said, "Okay. But on one condition."

"And that is?"

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