Forty Two

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Zaic waited, with a pounding heart, for a response, any response to his abrupt confession. His eyes searched her amber gaze for the hint of an answer only to find shock.

To be fair, he had just dropped the three magic words on Kaenisa, like a minute after she had woken up but, it didn't stop the wrangling feeling from building up within his chest.

"I-" She began, brows lifted, staring at him with a stunned expression.

"Up, up everyone! Rise and shine~" Asher interrupted her, clapping his hands together, a certain patriotic excitement twinkling in his eyes.

"Jeez man! It's..." Rolan paused, looking at the time, "Its literally midnight man! Cut us some slack, for the love of god."

Being back home was supposed to feel relaxing, warm and comforting, but for some reason unbeknownst to him, Zaic could not help but feel....burdened.

And on top of that, his impetuous confession had left him without an answer.

Zaic punched the wall beside him, causing Sarina and Rolan, both of whom were completely immersed in the HoloScreen levitating in front of them, to nearly jump off their seats.

"Don't mind me....just...stretching." He spoke with a stiff grin on his face.

Getting off the plane, he waited for her, slowing down so Kaenisa could catch up. But she kept to her mother's side and, from the look on her face, no voluntarily.

"The King would like to dine with you all tomorrow evening, wear something...appropriate." Asher informed, frowning at Rolan, eyes scanning him from head to toe.

"Must we?" Sarina groaned.

"It isn't a request. Be ready at Seven tomorrow."


After a good night's sleep Kaenisa gotten straight to unpacking the few things she had brought with her. They had given her and everyone else a room upgrade. It now had glass walls that could turn opaque when she liked, a sitting area and a kitchen too. The bed size had gone up a notch as well.

Not that it mattered when she was going to be sleeping alone anyway.

She wasn't complaining though. Especially not after seeing the bathroom which, had marble tiles that lit up with a soft halo glow when she stepped on them. It was spacious and comforting, like her very own zen spa, complete with a soak-able bathtub in the middle, mounted on a platform.

Kaenisa turned on the water, letting the tub fill up while she undressed. That was probably why irritation sparked within her when the doorbell rang.

Yes. Her new living arrangements had that too.

Kaenisa shrugged on a robe, and yanked the door open, "If you don't mind—"

Her words died in her throat as she took in the sight of Zaic standing there, looking at her with raised eyebrows.


"Oh?" He asked, "Are you that disappointed to see me?"

Kaenisa could see the hurt in his eyes, voice edged with harshness, the reason for which she knew very well.

"You know its not like that Zaic."

"Then what is it like?" He paused, sighing as he looked away, "I know I shouldn't be doing this and you are entitled to take your time but....I told you I loved you and your first reaction was to run away?"

"You know that I had to go. My mother would not have left me alone if I hadn't." She countered weakly as he closed the door behind him.

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

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