Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up at 8am and did my usual morning routine. The reason I woke up this early despite going to bed quite late last night was because I am still suffering from jet lag. Prepared for my first training session with my new club FC Seoul, I decided to head to the training ground early just in case I have an induction and get settled. 

I arrived at the training ground very early, only one of the other players was there. The captain and club legend Ki Sung Yeung. I was really scared to approach him as he is a legend in South Korean football and FC Seoul. Not wanting to approach Ki Sung Yeung, I decided to stand outside the training ground and wait for people to arrive first. That was my plan until Ki Sung Yeung spotted me standing alone.

Ki Sung Yeung: Hey, you are Y/N the new loanee right? I'm Ki Sung Yeung, club captain.

Y/N: Yes, nice to meet you captain Ki.

Ki Sung Yeung: Come, I'll take you round the training facility.

I walked around the training facility with Ki Sung Yeung, he was actually quite a nice bloke. It was just me being scared to approach him at the first place. He showed me everything from the lockers where I store my personal belongings to the boot room where I can get my new boots fixed. The training facility wasn't as big as the one in Liverpool but it has everything that I needed. 

Ki Sung Yeung: And that's the whole training ground, now let's get prepared for training.

Ending the tour at the changing room, I met most of my new teammates but I still struggled to fit in due to the cultural difference. The whole team was filled with Koreans apart from me and two other players. I wonder who they are. Anyways I got readied and headed out to the training ground prepared for my first training session in South Korea.  

On the training ground we are now waiting for the manager and coaches to arrive. Everyone was clearly very good friends with each other because everyone is Asian, I feel left out as I am new and European. I need to make the most of this first training session to make some friends.

Park Jin Sub: Everyone today we have a new player joining us so we will be doing a match practice for the new boy to get settled into the team. 

Choi Hyun: Goalkeepers could you please follow me we will do individual training.

Park Jin Sub: Please welcome Y/N he will be joining us for this season on loan from Liverpool. Right guys you have 5 minutes to discuss tactics, the teams are as follows:

We all got into our teams and since I have no idea who is in my team I just went to team 2 and stood with the guys without saying a word

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We all got into our teams and since I have no idea who is in my team I just went to team 2 and stood with the guys without saying a word. This changed when Ki Sung Yeung started talking.

Ki Sung Yeung: Y/N you play in CAM, what we want to do here is utilise Na Sang Ho's pace to run as a shadow striker while you cover the wide channels after playing long through balls. 

I nodded and one of the more senior players called Ko Kwang Min must have spotted my nerves of being the new kid as he told me to calm down and introduced himself to me. Other players follows and now I sort of know who is who. I can tell everyone is trying their best to help me get settled in and this made me instantly feel less nervous.

Park Jin Sub: (whistle) Right match starts now, 15 minute each session. There will be no goalkeepers so you will have to put the ball in the tight gap between the cones.

Team 1 started the game first and they have a big striker up top who I think is called Park Chu Yong and they kept launching direct long balls to him which was causing a bit of problem for the team. However, our defender turned over possession. With us on the possession, I dropped back a little bit to try and carry possession from the back of the pitch to the forward. Hwang Hyun Soo passed the ball to me and immediately, I spotted Na Sang Ho running inside. Matching his run, I played a high through ball over the opponent's defender with Na Sang Ho running in behind from the wing, he controlled the ball nicely and dribbled it through the cones. 1-0 to team 2. As I heard my teammates clapping and even one of the opposing players was clapping for that pass.

Rest of the training went on basically the same. The opposition CAM tried to mirror my play by dropping deep and trying to play long pass to their foreign winger Palocevic. However, he didn't put enough whip into his balls which caused the pass to be really floaty and was easily dealt with by our defenders. Playing five sessions with basically the same tactics of me picking out the wingers running in behind by cutting inside and sometimes picking up loose balls from the edge of the box and putting in a cross from the left flank we ended up winning the mini game 14-11 showing the manager that get in behind tactics works better than the target man tactic.

Park Jin Sub: Well done team 2, you done well to extract the advantages of having inverted wingers. Team 1, you have also understand how to utilise the target man support. Hopefully you could utilise these two sets of tactics on the pitch depending on the situation. Training is over and I look forward to seeing you in the next training session

After the manager dismissed us we all headed back to the changing room to get changed and prepared to go home. Suddenly one of the players from team 1 came to me.

Han Chan Hee: Hi Y/N right? I'm Han Chan Hee

Y/N: What's up?

Han Chan Hee: I just wanted to ask you how do you do those long passes, I tried it but it didn't work

Y/N: Well your technique isn't right that's why the balls float instead, you need to add more whip to it. It's a very common technique used in Europe.

Han Chan Hee: Do you want to stay behind with me and teach me then we can go lunch together afterwards.

Y/N: Sorry I'm not free today, but I can stay after training tomorrow and practice with you.

Han Chan Hee: Thank you so much.

After talking with Han Chan Hee, I went to take a quick shower in the changing room and sprayed some deodorant. The standard post training routine. Getting dressed up and all cleaned up, I went out of the training ground prepared to go home and call the person who dented my car so we can exchange insurance details to fix my car.

I opened the door and was about to head to my car when a black van parked up in front of me and two girls with dressed in black and had their face all covered hopped out of the car and pulled me into the car......

Y/N: What the f-?

???: Shhh don't make a scene, you're coming with us. If you cooperate then you will be fine.

Great, my second day here in Seoul and I've been kidnapped, dragged onto a black van with two strangers who are all dressed in black and their face covered heading god knows where.

I'll end this chapter with a cliffhanger. Where is Y/N going and what will happen to Y/N. Is he kidnapped? I'll let you think about it.

This book has reached 300 reads finally. Thank you for all the reads and everyone who has been supporting this book. Please continue to support this book and also if you haven't checked out my other book yet, please do check it out. 

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