Chapter 35

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Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Seoul. The local time is 9:32am, you may now use you phones. Please remain seated and ensure that you have your seatbelt fasten until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.

After 15 hours of flight time, I have finally arrived at Seoul. Ah Seoul, it's been a while. I think it has been more than a year since I've last been in Seoul, it's definitely nice to be back here. I finished up the VISA work with boarder control and picked my luggage up from the carousel. This is it, this will be the place where I will stay for the upcoming months and maybe years. I haven't planned anything yet and I will see where life takes me from here. I got out of Incheon Airport and saw my friend Han Chan Hee waiting for me outside.

Han Chan Hee: Hey bro, it's been a long while since we've seen each other.

Y/N: Yeah haha, nice to see you again mate.

Han Chan Hee: How's playing in the Premier League and England National Team?

Y/N: Not bad.

Han Chan Hee: Cool, why are you here anyways, you haven't told me that yet.

Y/N: You know, injuries......

So I told him about my recent injury problems hindering me from playing football and how I got released by Liverpool FC following my second ACL injury. He was surprised at how harsh Liverpool FC has treated me by releasing me after the ACL injury and not letting me recover. Luckily he has agreed that he will help me and allow me to stay for as long as I wanted to until I figure out what I want to do.

At this moment, what I need is time. I need to figure out what I want to do with my life. With my current situation, I don't think I could play football ever again because every time I run or jump I feel a little pain on my knee. The only way I could get rid of this pain is by strapping my knee really tightly before each game which will probably make the situation even worse in the future. However, I am not ready to give up football at the moment of my life. I really want to continue to play football.

I really enjoyed my football before I got injured, I was at the form of my life and suddenly I got injured and have been out for almost a whole season now. I guess that's football sometimes, one moment I had it all in my palm, representing England, Premier League's latest rising star but then the next moment, I am here in Seoul, not having a club and still not knowing what I want to do for the rest of my life. I was unpacking my stuff when I heard a knock on my door.

Knock Knock

Han Chan Hee: Hey Y/N, I just wrote down a list of clubs near the Seoul area where you could possibly go on trial.

Y/N: Thanks man.

Han Chan Hee: You know the transfer window is out, so if you go knock on their doors they might let you go on a trial. I'm sure they all know what you did when you were last here in K.LEAGUE.

Y/N: Do you know if FC Seoul are after another foreigner?

Han Chan Hee: I'm not sure but I'll put in a good word for you. We recently had a new manager so I don't know about his plans. Just check the list out.

I looked at the list and most of them are K.LEAGUE 2 teams around the area of Seoul. I guess my only chance of salvaging my career from where it was at is by going on trials and working my way back up to the top. After getting released by Liverpool FC, not much Premier League teams would be willing me to sign me on or give me a trail. Even they are interested, their medical would be extra harsh because of my recent injuries. Starting at a fresh country might be a good idea because it lowers the chances of them finding out about my recent injuries and the medical procedures in South Korea are less intense compared to the Premier League because of the level of football over here in South Korea. Playing in the K.LEAGUE or K.LEAGUE 2 would be a good chance for me to restart my career. Even though what I really want was to restart at FC Seoul because I will feel more comfortable playing at that team, but when I am a free agent, I don't usually get a choice of what team I could join so I carefully looked at the list of teams that Han Chan Hee suggested.

The teams on offers weren't top level K.LEAGUE teams, but again at this situation I can't be picky at which team I wanted to go on trial for. I need to go on trial and at least request for a trial for every team that was on the list. Apart from the familiar name of FC Seoul being one of the better teams, most of the teams are playing in K.LEAGUE 2. The teams on the list were Suwon FC, FC Seoul, Incheon United, Bucheon 1995, Seoul E-Land and FC Anyang. Without thinking, I sent an email to all of the teams requesting for a trail and making sure to let them know I am available for a trail with immediate effect.

After all the things that had happened and sending out all the emails, I finally have some time to enjoy some alone time. I tried lying down and taking a break but that didn't really work as it only got me paranoid about if anyone responded to my email yet. I end up checking my email inbox once every 5 minutes. I need to relax and spend some time alone, away from all the problems I recently faced. With that, I decided to head out to walk around the city of Seoul in an attempt in forgetting everything.

Yes another chapter today. Sorry if this chapter is a little bit rushed but I am flying home to Taiwan tomorrow so spent most of the day packing. I still wanted to upload this chapter before the end of the day so I sort of rushed it a little bit.

Next chapter will be the final chapter and I will try my best to upload that chapter before my flight tomorrow so stay tuned for that. If you haven't make sure you have added this story to your library so you won't miss the final chapter of this book.

Once again please vote for this chapter, keep refreshing and checking for the release of the final chapter. Thank you very much for your support and stay tuned for the final chapter which will be uploaded tomorrow.

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