Chapter 15

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We went to a mall nearby the training ground for some ice cream. Finally we have some alone time and privacy. Tzuyu has her disguise on as we were heading into a public mall so she need to keep her privacy in case fans spot her and starts going crazy. 

Before getting ice cream, Tzuyu said that she wanted to walk around the mall and do some shopping first. I just followed her walking around the shops enjoying the moment. I mean not many people will get the luxury of going shopping with Chou Tzuyu alone. 

Tzuyu POV

I decided to walk around the mall just to extend my time with Y/N. When we were walking around the mall people were looking at us but thank god nobody figured out who I am. Feeling like a couple I decided to go try on some clothes and make Y/N check me out more. If he doesn't get this hint, then he is clearly dumb when it comes to love.

I picked a few elegant outfits and told Y/N to wait for me outside the changing room then went into the changing room to get changed.

Tzuyu: Y/N how does this look.

Y/N: Good.

Tzuyu: Did you even look (pout).

Y/N: Sorry Tzuyu, I'm just very tired after all the football

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Y/N: Sorry Tzuyu, I'm just very tired after all the football.

Tzuyu: It's ok, but can you please pay some attention to me (puppy eyes).

Y/N was very brief with his answer about how my outfit is, he seriously is very stubborn when it comes to women and love. Does he still not get my hint. I decided to up the game a little bit and do my puppy eyes so he can pay more attention to my upcoming outfits and especially pay more attention to me.


I was really trying to focus on Tzuyu. However, I was too tired to concentrate on what Tzuyu was talking about the clothes that she was trying on. Suddenly she gave me the puppy eyes telling me to give her some attention. How can I say no to that? She is so cute when she pout and do the puppy eyes. I can't resist that cuteness so I put down my phone and decided to check her out a little bit more when she was trying on clothes.

Tzuyu: How about this one?

As Tzuyu came out of the dressing room, I looked up and was met by a really elegant and very pretty Chou Tzuyu. I was mesmerised by her beauty, so beautiful that I can't even give out any comments about her.

 I was mesmerised by her beauty, so beautiful that I can't even give out any comments about her

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Tzuyu: Y/N, are you ok? You are spacing out.

Y/N: Yes, you look very pretty Tzuyu.

Tzuyu: Thanks Y/N, I think I will wear this to the awards show next week. Now let's get some ice cream.

After getting the dress she was looking for, me and Tzuyu went to an ice cream shop in the mall to get some ice cream. We ordered our separate ice cream. Tzuyu ordered her favourite flavour, cookies and cream and I ordered mint chocolate. I was eating my own portion when Tzuyu suddenly stuck her spoon over and stole some of my ice cream for herself.

Y/N: Hey

Tzuyu: Haha I just wanted to try your mint chocolate.

Y/N: Oh yeah?

I stuck my spoon into Tzuyu's ice cream as revenge. After that fun and games, we had a bit of a chat as she told me her upcoming schedules and the preparations for the comeback soon while I told her about my next few games. 

Finishing our ice cream, we left the mall and I drove her home. It was really fun going out with Tzuyu, every time I go out with Tzuyu it always makes me happy. She is just a natural cheerleader. I really want to make her mine and confess to her. Therefore, I decided to put up some bravery on and asked the big question before we bid our goodbyes.

Y/N: Tzuyu, I really had fun today.

Tzuyu: Me too, we should do this again.

Y/N: Sure, there's just something I want to say.

Tzuyu: What's up?

Y/N: Ummmm...... I just want to say...... I feel very happy when I am with you and every time we hangout I always have fun. I just want to say, I love you would you be my girlfriend.

After I confessed, there was silence. Great she is thinking about how to reject or friend zone me. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. However, a little while of silence later, Tzuyu started laughing.

Tzuyu: Yes of course I wanted to be your girlfriend, I feel the same too Y/N (laughs). I've been giving you so many hints and signs abut you didn't reciprocate.

Tzuyu came across the centre console and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. At that moment, I feel I own the world. I mean Chou Tzuyu just said yes to being my girlfriend and I am officially dating Chou Tzuyu from Twice. How lucky am I?

Tzuyu: But let's keep this a secret, I don't want the fans to go crazy about this. 

Y/N: Sure, I guess this is our official first date right?

Tzuyu: Yep, this is our first day together. I can't wait for the many more to come. Bye Y/N I love you.

Y/N: I love you too Tzuyu. 

After dropping Tzuyu off at her dorm, I drove home myself and lied straight onto my bed to get some rest. What an exhausting day, all the football and intense training but rewarded at last by a kiss from Chou Tzuyu. I still can't believe that I am now Chou Tzuyu's boyfriend. When I first came to South Korea, I didn't expect that I would meet an idol and date someone from Twice. Since Tzuyu doesn't want to reveal our relationship to the public, the fans won't go crazy over it meaning that we will have our privacy but will have to date in secret. Hopefully everything goes smoothly in our relationship because I really love Tzuyu.

Finally Tzuyu and Y/N are together. Is this the plot you were expecting? Will they stay for long together and what will happen soon? Don't forget Y/N is only on loan at FC Seoul.

Please vote for this chapter if you haven't and comment below on how you want the story to develop. I might take some of your ideas if I really like it and change the plot a little bit. Thank you for all your previous support and please continue to support this book in the future.

Also, even though Southgate doesn't know what he's doing and we drew against Scotland despite having a much better squad. I still remain that football is coming home. 

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