Chapter 11

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Coming back from Jeonju, the loss was tough to take because I know I could have done better and the team had the potential to take something home from the game. I went back home and lied on my bed reflecting on what happened during the game. This is something I always do after each game, reflecting on what happened and how could I improve myself so I could do better next game. I can't stop thinking about that chance I had. Even though it was a shot on target and a very very good attempt, the lack of power from the strike really put me off. If I had put some more power on the shot I might have put that in the back of the net. I need to make sure next time if I had this chance again I would compose myself.

I was deep in though reflecting on the game when I was bothered by a text message, I looked at my phone and it was from Tzuyu. Crap, I forgot that I was going to tell Tzuyu that I came back from Jeonju. On top of that I have forgotten that I was going to hangout with her once I am back. Maybe I should tell her that I will be free after training tomorrow.

 Maybe I should tell her that I will be free after training tomorrow

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Tzuyu POV

After texting Y/N, I was so happy that he actually remembered me and he wanted to hangout with me. I can't wait for tomorrow when I can finally meet Y/N again. If I am being honest, I have a little crush on him. I mean who wouldn't develop a crush on a handsome footballer. Now I just need to figure out a way to tell the managers that I am meeting Y/N without telling Y/N. However, that is a problem for tomorrow. I went to bed happily and slept with a big smile on my face.

Time skip to the next day

Even though my date with Y/N is at 2pm today, I still woke up very early. I normally very early anyways, but today I woke up early because I could get ready for my date with Y/N. I mean the dating ban is over and two of my unnies have been in relationships before and it looked quite fun. Now that I found someone that I am interested in, maybe I should try my hand at this dating thing and see if Y/N is the one for me. 

I did my usual routine and had lunch with the members in the dorm. After lunch I made an excuse to my managers so I could go out and meet Y/N. I said I was going out for a walk to digest my lunch better and get some fresh air. The members didn't really care and the managers seemed to bought the idea so I was let out freely. I am very excited about this date with Y/N.


Finally training was done. Today we were having fitness training and I absolutely hated it. I never liked fitness training and even though the ones in Liverpool were harsher compared to the ones here in FC Seoul I still didn't enjoyed all the running and bleep tests we did. At least there is something I can look forward to after the training session. I am meeting Chou Tzuyu after training today at the JYP cafe. This means that I can finally relax and have a coffee after the intense training I just went through. 

I left the training ground as soon as possible so nobody can flag me down for some extra training and stuff. I was actually looking forward to this because it is not an everyday opportunity that you get to hangout with an idol let alone get the chance to know more about an idol like Chou Tzuyu. I can't let this opportunity slide. 

Arriving at the JYP cafe, I checked my phone and it was 1:55pm so I am a bit early. I mean my parents always taught me to never let a girl wait so I guess showing up early was always the correct idea. Hoping this would let me make a good impression on Tzuyu, I went over to the counter and order some food and a coffee. I am very hungry after training. Finishing up my order, I heard someone call my name. 

???: Hey Y/N over here.

I looked over and it was Tzuyu in disguise. Great, I let a girl wait for me on a first date. So much for a good impression I guess. 

Y/N: Hey Tzuyu, sorry to make you wait.

Tzuyu: No worries Y/N, how was training.

Y/N: Very tiring, you wouldn't want to know. How is the idol stuff, don't you have a lot of dance practice?

Tzuyu: We actually have a lot of free time.

We spent the whole time talking about our lives. We didn't talk much about her idol life and fame because famous people hate other people mentioning about their fame. We just talked about our hobbies. I got to know more about her and how she really likes puppies and also her interest in Chinese instruments. Surprisingly, she was interested in football so we get to talk about that for a little bit. I found out that Tzuyu is actually a very nice person despite the savageness we all saw on videos and have I mentioned that she is very pretty. I think I might feel something for her. However, like many good things, this date came to an end. 

Tzuyu: Well I need to head home before my managers start looking for me.

Y/N: Yeah it's getting late. I really had fun today.

Tzuyu: Me too, we should have a second date.

Y/N: Wait this was a date?

I was so surprised that I nearly choked on my coffee when Tzuyu called this a date. Does Tzuyu want to date me or am I just overreacting. I mean friends could go on dates too and I would be really happy if we could go on a second date. Am I forming feelings for Tzuyu already, but I guess everyone would when the beautiful Chou Tzuyu just asked for a second date.

Tzuyu: I meant like friends dummy.

Y/N: Oh yea sure, I'm new here so I could really do with a friend from outside football.

Tzuyu: Sure, I could show you around Seoul next time.

After bidding our goodbyes, we both went our respective ways to our homes. I really had fun today, I mean Tzuyu was really open minded and wasn't shy or anything. She really seemed true to me and might have wrecked my bias completely with one day. I really can't wait for the second date and this time I should initiate the date instead of waiting for her. I should invite her to my next home game as she seemed to be somewhat interested in football.

Tzuyu POV

I was so embarrassed that I just called that a date. I mean I do have a crush on him but I don't if he likes me the same way. Chou Tzuyu why do you always have to say what's on your mind. Luckily I had a comeback for that embarrassing moment and I hope he didn't figure out that I had a crush on him. I really did have fun today, for once someone didn't care about that I was from Twice and one of the most famous idols in the country. He didn't even ask me for a photo so he could post onto social media or an autograph at the end. I think he really want to treat me as a friend and I am happy that he is able to treat me as a friend. I just hope we end up being something more than friends. I can't wait for our next date but this time I am going to play it cool and wait for him to initiate the date so I don't sound desperate. 

So is there going to be a spark between Y/N and Tzuyu? Will Y/N just want to stay as friends or does? Find out in the upcoming chapters.

Two chapters in two days. Finally I have more time to spend on updating my story. Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters and thank you for all your support. 

I am planning to release a new story before the end of this week so please stay tuned for that. Once again thank you for spending time on reading this chapter and I will see you all in the next chapter.

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