Chapter 19

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Tzuyu POV

Y/N: Tzuyu....... I have something to tell you.

Uh oh. This can't be good...... What is wrong with him? First I come back seeing him not being his usual self and all sad, now he also has something to tell me? Please don't tell me that he doesn't love me anymore and break up with me. I can't afford to breakup with him and I don't know how to react if he tells me that he loves another girl.

Tzuyu: What's wrong Y/N?

Y/N: Tzuyu...... I don't know how to explain this but I have to leave Seoul...... 

Tzuyu: Like as in a trip?

Y/N: No, as in leaving Seoul to pursue my career. The team I used to play for wanted me back with them and they are in Liverpool so I will have to leave Seoul. I might not be able to come back to Seoul anymore. 


Y/N: I just got the notice today. I'm sorry Tzuyu......

I can't anymore, he's leaving Seoul. This is probably one of the worst things that could happen at this stage of our relationship. We were so happy being with each other and have recently just adopted Kaya and Butter but everything is now falling apart. And I thought I met the love of my life, turns out this might only last three months.

Tzuyu: When are you leaving?

Y/N: Next week.

Tzuyu: I guess we still have a week to enjoy us being together.

Y/N: Sure let's enjoy this week and then decide what we want to do with our relationship afterwards.

It was devastating to know that Y/N is leaving Seoul, this soon after our 3 month anniversary too. I guess the only positives I could take from this situation is that we still have one week to be together and enjoy each other's company for one last week because I don't know when will be the next time I will see him.

As for our relationship, I took a really long time to think about the possibilities that we could have to not go down the break up route. I really don't want to break up with Y/N because I really love him and I am sure that Y/N doesn't want to break up with me as well. However, the only other option I had in mind is a long distance relationship. I don't know if that will work because it's not like Y/N is going to Liverpool temporarily, he's going there permanently and have no idea if he will be back in the future. I guess it depends on what Y/N wants.


I can tell that Tzuyu was really unhappy about me leaving for Liverpool and I don't blame her for feeling down about the shock news. Nobody wants to lose their lovers over some big career move. This is one of the reasons that I didn't want to confess to Tzuyu so soon back then. I don't know what Tzuyu wants but from my point of view I think it's best for us both to end this relationship. We are both at a point of our respective careers where we won't want to give everything up and commit into this relationship. I have thought about a long distance relationship but most of the times long distance relationships don't work for couples.

Y/N: Tzuyu are you ok?

Tzuyu: Yes I'm fine (sobs). I guess I just need some time.

It was really clear that Tzuyu was unhappy, but there was nothing I could. It's not like I was given the choice to stay at FC Seoul, Jurgen Klopp has made it very clear that he wanted me back for the next season and he won't accept no as an answer. All I could do now is give Tzuyu a week to remember before I leave her.

Time skip

The past week has been really fun. Me and Tzuyu both took a week off and cleared our schedules just so we could spend some time together before we separate. We have been to a lot of places, we even went to the two big amusement park Seoul Land and Lotte World where I won many plushie toys for Tzuyu. We have definitely turned back the time, act like a couple in their early 20s that have only started dating. Without caring about anything such as media and reporters we were able to have a lot of fun together. I think this week was one of the best times and the happiest times I have been since I arrived here in Seoul at the start of the year.

However, like every happy moment, it has to come to an end. Today is my last day here in Seoul. We didn't do much and decided to stay at home cause I need to pack and get ready for my flight tomorrow morning. Tzuyu also stayed at home with me and helped me pack my stuff. We have talked about what happens to Kaya and Butter and Tzuyu said she will happily take care of them and will take them to the Twice dorm after I left. She looked alright on the outside but on the inside she is definitely not alright. 

After a day of packing, Tzuyu took me to a very high class Korean Barbecue restaurant. Over the course of dinner, it was really quiet, nobody talked as we were both clearly really sad about what is going to happen tomorrow. It was tough on the both of us but we really just can't seem to forget the sadness that we are going through and start a conversation. Until suddenly, out of the clanging noises of metal tongs, Tzuyu spoke up.

Tzuyu: So Y/N, when are you leaving tomorrow?

Y/N: My flight leaves at tomorrow morning 11:50am.

Tzuyu: How about I stay the night at yours tonight?

Y/N: You sure? What about your members and managers?

Tzuyu: I could just tell them the truth. I want you to spend your last night here in Seoul with me.

After dinner, we left the restaurant and headed towards my apartment to spend my one last night here in Seoul. Even after 3 months of dating, this was the first time that Tzuyu stayed the night over at my place which is going to make the situation tomorrow more difficult that it already is. 

As we arrived home, Kaya and Butter rushed out to greet us. The house was really empty apart from the suitcases that I will take to Liverpool and some boxes of stuff that Tzuyu will mail it to me in the near future. Kaya and Butter's barks are echoed because of the lack of stuff filling the apartment. It was really sad, but at least Tzuyu is here with me. 

Y/N: Kaya, Butter ah. Mommy is going to spend the night here before she takes you to your new house tomorrow.

Tzuyu: Wow this house is very lifeless.

Y/N: I know and to think that this was once filled with our memories. 

Tzuyu: You know Y/N, we could still create some new memories before you leave.

Y/N: What are you saying?

Tzuyu: I'll make sure you have a memorable last night here......

I'll let you fantasise what Y/N and Tzuyu did that night. What is going to happen to Y/N and Tzuyu when Y/N leaves for Liverpool? Comment below and find out in the upcoming chapters.

Also JYP finally released Tzuyu's melody project of Taylor Swift's ME! I absolutely love the original song and Tzuyu just made the song even better. Stream that on YouTube, I promise it will be worth it.

Sorry if I am no longer daily updates but it's just too difficult to write when I don't have enough sleep. I'm trying my best to balance sleeping, euros, writing and this stupid volunteering thing I have for the summer. I'll try and write as frequently as possible and please don't forget to vote on this chapter and the other chapters as you read along this book.

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