Chapter 26

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Tzuyu POV

The whole group are currently heading to Manchester for our European tour. We will have our first concert in Manchester and then London before moving to Paris and other European countries. I was googling if London or Manchester is near where Y/N lived because I really want to find him and at least meet him again to see if he is doing alright. Luckily for me Manchester is really close to Liverpool so I might spend the day after our concert in Manchester to head to Liverpool for a walk and see if I can meet Y/N.

As we arrived in Manchester Airport, I was hit with the rainy cold air. How do people live in this weather? It's dark, it's gloomy and it's raining. According to the weather report, this gloomy weather is going to stay with us for the whole week. There were a lot of fans in the arrival hall of the airport, all of them are trying to shake hands with us and giving us gifts. I tried my best to collect all the gift given to me because the fans means so much to me. Whilst I was doing that, I keep looking in the crowd to see if I could sport Y/N. While I was looking, I spot someone in the crowd that has the same physical attributes to Y/N. Around the same height, same body measurements. I thought about going after him but he ran aways and my managers guided us all to the car picking us up.

On the way to the hotel, I kept thinking about if that person I got a glance on at the airport was Y/N. If it was him, I have so many questions in my mind. Why did he have to run away from me like that? Does he not want to see me? I just wanted to know if he was doing fine in England because ever since he left, I have lost all contact with him. 

As we kept driving from Manchester Airport to the city centre, we drove past a big Sports Direct Shop where there were multiple footballers on the advertisement boardI saw a familiar face on an advertisement board. It was for Nike, and the person on the advert was Y/N. 

Wait is he a star now? Is that why he cut all ties with me? If he is, I kept looking at the advertisement board until it was completely out of my sight

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Wait is he a star now? Is that why he cut all ties with me? If he is, I kept looking at the advertisement board until it was completely out of my sight. Without hesitation, I typed his name onto google search to see what has been up with him. I was shocked at how much he has achieved in the past year. According to Sky Sports and BBC Sport, he has been performing so well ever since he returned to Liverpool and has been included in the England National Team. He was widely regarded by everyone as one of England's generation golden boy. Sana unnie suddenly peaked over to my tablet.

Sana: Hey Tzuyu, who's he? He's cute haha (laughs).

Tzuyu: Nothing, mind your own business.

Sana: Well you better tell me or I will tell everyone that you have been googling handsome and cute footballers with your tablet hehe.

Tzuyu: Fine... 

So for the rest of the journey, I gave a brief explanation to Sana unnie about how me and Y/N used to date but had to breakup because he needs to return to his home country. I also told her how I planned to find and meet up with him sometime during this European tour. To which she kept telling me that she wanted to join, but thankfully I was able to get her away from this by making this sound like a really difficult and boring task.

The Next Day

Our first concert is still two days away as we have a two day break to get used to the jet lag and take some rest before our Europe tour starts. Therefore, I have decided to take today to head to Liverpool and see if I could possibly bump into Y/N. I searched his Instagram and he always seems to head to this place called Albert Docks to chill and relax so that's where I'm heading.

With the accompany of my manager, I head to Liverpool in search of Y/N. I don't have his new phone number so I can't text him. The only thing I had was his Instagram and I can't text him there because I don't have a private account and given he has over 700K followers, the chances are he wouldn't reply to my text even if I use the Twicetagram account. This is just pure luck and fate, if I managed to meet him at Albert Docks, this is definitely fate.

Arriving at Albert Docks, I checked his Instagram account and he posted on his story saying that he was here about 20 minutes ago. I started walking around, it was a place full of shops that sells tourist items but the view here was amazing. I can't help but stop and take a few photos to post onto Instagram later. After taking a few photos, I continued my search for Y/N without looking weird, I just walked around the docks trying to low key spot someone who has a similar figure to Y/N. But half an hour later, I still couldn't find Y/N and decided to give up. I headed across the road to Liverpool One because that's where the guidebook says it's best for shopping. Since I was here already, I decided to buy some new clothes hopefully to get into the English casual fashion.

Whilst doing my shopping, I came across a shop that had a familiar face on the shop face. It was Y/N on the shop face so without hesitation I walked into the shop. It was the Liverpool FC club shop at Liverpool One and it sells all sorts of Liverpool FC merchandise, there were shirts that has Y/N's name on it. One of the saleswomen must have caught out my confused look even under my disguise because she came over to me and started telling me what's on for sale.

Saleswomen: Ma'am, how can I help you?

Tzuyu: Nothing much, but I just wanted to ask, is Y/N's shirts popular amongst the customers?

Saleswomen: Oh you do have taste ma'am. Y/N is one of our star players and his replica kit is very famous amongst the fans. Would you like on?

Wow, I didn't realise Y/N was this popular over here in England. I debated for a while, but decided to purchase one of these replica kits that the saleswomen suggested. I mean he was my ex boyfriend after all and even though I have gotten over him, he still holds a special place in my heart which is why I am here in Liverpool in search for him.

At the counter, they started to print the letters and number onto the shirt. I don't know what was going on so I will just let the professionals do their job. I saw a little sign saying match tickets for Liverpool's home game against Crystal Palace tomorrow. Since I have tomorrow day off as well, I asked if they are still tickets left.

Tzuyu: Also, are there tickets left for tomorrows game?

Saleswomen: Unfortunately all the standard tickets are sold out. There are only VIP box tickets left that comes with hospitality package. They are £225 per person.

I asked my managers if I could go watch the game and they said yes. So I ended up buying the tickets even though I had to pay for my manager's ticket as well. However, I think it was worth it if I could see Y/N play football again. It has been a very long while since I have last saw Y/N, even though it will be very far away from the stands. I headed back to our hotel in Manchester a bit disappointed because I couldn't bump into Y/N, but also looking forward to tomorrow because I will be once again attending Y/N's game once again.

So an update. This time it is from Tzuyu's POV. It has been too long since we have mentioned Tzuyu in this story so I though I need to bring her back. What do you think is going to happen in the game tomorrow? Continue reading to find out. I hope I could update the next chapter tomorrow so stay tuned for that.

Also, I have made a new cover for this book. Tell me in the comments if you liked this cover or the old cover. I feel like the old one was a bit pathetic so I decided to make a new one. If the majority of you don't like this new cover I will return to using the old cover then so please do comment which one do you like more.

Finally, don't forget to vote on this book. Remember to vote as you read along this book and please continue to support my works. Thank you very much for all your previous support and reaching 3K reads it means a lot to me.

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