Chapter 27

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Tzuyu POV

Today is the day, game day. Not for me but for Y/N. I head to Anfield with my manager. This will be my first ever taste of European football and from what I heard, it is a lot bigger and a lot more popular to football back in South Korea. I can't wait to see the atmosphere inside the stadium. I'm not really a football fan myself, but I'm in for everything that Y/N is a part of.

Once I was inside Anfield, I was accompanied by some stadium security to the VIP hospitality area where I could watch the game while having a very very nice meal. The view from the VIP area was really nice as it was right at the middle of the stadium and I could get a view of everything that was happening on the pitch.

A few moments later, the players started coming out the pitch and the atmosphere has completely changed. Everyone in the stadium was signing the chant that was called You Will Never Walk Alone. It was very noisy, and much more noisier compared to the game I attended back in Seoul. As the players lined up on the pitch I saw Y/N, he has changed so much ever since I last saw him. He looked so calm and mature, it really seemed like he was doing fine.

First Half

The referee blew the whistle signalling kickoff. Liverpool were the team in red and Crystal Palace was the team dressed in black. I have no idea who the players were so I just kept my eye on Y/N. Right from the start of the game, Y/N was doing a lot of running both with and without the ball. Liverpool were going forward really quickly and was able to dominate the game which was good for Y/N and me I guess. It seems like the fans were enjoying this as well as they were cheering and chanting very loudly. I was still very amazed to the atmosphere here in Anfield. 

13th Minute

Y/N was running around from the centre of the pitch to the side constantly swapping positions with either the player in number 11 or number 10. In doing so he created a lot of spaces and tiring out the team in white. He was doing just that right now and I think one of his teammates, the player in number 6 spotted him and played a ball to Y/N who was lurking on the right hand side of the pitch. The Crystal Palace number 27 player was not close enough to Y/N and started chasing him down, but Y/N was quick and managed to cut back inside and kicked the ball with his left foot. The ball was very well struck and it beat the Crystal Palace goalkeeper as it flew into the side netting. It was goal, Y/N just scored a goal. Everyone in the stadium started cheering. I knew I was his lucky charm because he scores in every game I attend.

Liverpool 1-0 Crystal Palace

However, the referee stopped the play for a while as I saw Y/N also stopped celebrating and the Liverpool players all crowded around the referee. I have no idea what was happening but I don't think it was good for Liverpool and Y/N.

Stadium Announcer: VAR decision, offside, no goal. Scores remains Liverpool 0 Crystal Palace 0.

I have no idea what just happened but somehow the goal was disallowed for something called offside by another thing called VAR. I don't even know what offside or VAR was but both these things just came together and taken Y/N's goal away. The crowd start chanting something saying "F*CK VAR" and like the whole crowd I was disappointed too. But I have faith in Y/N and I am sure he will score another goal soon.

43rd Minute

Y/N was once again causing more trouble for Crystal Palace as he is now running with the ball down the middle of the pitch, he ran past 2 Crystal Palace players. It looks like he was clean through and was ready to make a pass to his teammates as I saw number 10 and number 11 running down the left and right side of the pitch respectively. The Crystal Palace number 4 was tracking back and just when Y/N released the ball, the number 4 slid in for a tackle. However, he completely failed in the tackle and kicked Y/N to which Y/N quickly fell on the ground. It looked like he was in real pain. The referee blew the whistle signalling a foul but the crowd want the Crystal Palace number 4 to be sent off but that didn't happen which the crow was booing. Y/N's injury looked serious as he held his legs in serious pain and the physios are waving at the technical area. 


I was in serious pain right now. The tackle itself was alright as Milivojevic only caught my ankle but the way I landed was very weird and I think I might have a knee injury. The physio Chris Morgan kept spraying my knee and ankle to see if I could play through. But I don't think it is going well because I was still in terrible pain. 

Chris Morgan: Bad news, we think it might be an ACL injury.

Y/N: There's no way it is an ACL. It's probably just a knee injury. 

Chris Morgan: Can you continue to play on, there's only 2 minutes till half time?

Y/N: I don't think so, I don't think I can stand up.

Chris Morgan: Then we will have to sub you off.

As I walked off the pitch with the help of Chris Morgan, the crowd was clapping and I was getting a round of applause from the whole stadium. I can't believe this has happened. This was my best season so far, I was putting in 8 out of 10 performances every match and was eyeing a spot to go the Qatar with England for the 2022 World Cup. Now I don't even know if I could recover before the end of the season let alone going to the 2022 World Cup. I can't believe this has happened during my best season. 

I was still in pain even though I was off the pitch. I can't even walk on my own, this means that my injury was really serious. Chris Morgan said that I should go to the hospital for further checks and scans to see what injury I had as currently it was just as assumption that it was an ACL injury.

Arriving at the hospital, they immediately sent me to do some scans. They did a MRI scan and an X-RAY scan on my leg. It was really annoying because I can't walk and had to be transported by a rolling bed. After the scans, Andy Massey, the club medical director came over to me.

Andy Massey: Y/N, bad news I'm afraid. From the scans, you have a broken ankle and a torn your ACL. The broken ankle will be fine, we'll just put a cast on it for a month or so and it'll heal. But the ACL. You have two choices, undergo a surgery and it will heal completely but the recovery phase will take longer, the recovery will take about a year. I suggest you undergo surgery right now.

Y/N: What is the other option?

Andy Massey: Well you could avoid the surgery and do physiotherapy. It will take around 6 months but might risk further injury after you recover at it will not fully recover the tear.

Y/N: I'll do physiotherapy.

Andy Massey: In that case, here's some crutches and you are discharges I guess.

There was no way, I was going to undergo surgery and wait for a year for it to recover. I will take the risk of getting injured again and hopefully I will recover before the world cup. They gave me some crutches so I could do simple task by myself like going to the toilet. The injury itself was painful, but the fact of being out for at least 6 months when I am in the form of my life hit me even harder. This was really painful to me and I was devastated, nothing can cheer me up at this moment, I was in my all time low......

Uh oh, Y/N's career just took a massive plot twist. Would this create a big plot twist for this story? Who knows? Continue reading to find out. I will try and upload the next chapter tomorrow but I am not making any promises.

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