Chapter 33

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Few Months Later


It has been a few months since my successful knee surgery. The past few months has been really tough for me. Even though the surgery was successful, the recovery route was still difficult. Even though I was allowed to do light individual training like some jogging and light dribbling drills, I was still struggling a lot. It was totally different compared to last time, last time when I was doing these light drills I feel no pain on my knee, but somehow this time it was really painful every time I put pressure and force onto my knee. 

I was taking all the time I could on this recovery journey but things weren't looking positive. Time was running out and so was my contract. I was entering the final year of my contract and for most players this should be the time to discuss new terms, but at this moment nothing was discussed with me at all. I tried to give hints that I wanted to discuss new terms, but Jurgen Klopp kept telling me that I should focus on my recovery now.

Currently, I was at the training ground doing my own recovery drills at the side while all the players were on the pitch preparing for the new season. I watched them as they do all the fitness test feeling lucky that I don't have to be included but as well a bit sad because I couldn't be part of them. Instead I am here doing some jogging and dribbling alone and still feeling some pain on my knee and struggling to do these easy drills. After training, Jurgen Klopp came over to me which was a bit surprising because he never comes over to me, it was always the medical director who would be tracking my progress after training.

Jurgen Klopp: Y/N a word in my office?

Y/N: Ok I guess.

I followed Jurgen Klopp to his office wondering why does he want a word with me. It doesn't seem usual as he doesn't really track players' injury recovery progress like this. Maybe he want to offer me a new contract or something. Keeping my hopes up high, I followed Jurgen Klopp into his office.

Jurgen Klopp: Y/N, please have a seat.

Y/N: Thanks, what would you like to discuss gaffer?

Jurgen Klopp: Here's the thing, I have been getting reports about your injury progress and it seems like you were still struggling with your recovery. Is that true?

Y/N: Yeah, I still have some pain on my knee when I put force or pressure on it.

Jurgen Klopp: I completely understand. Y/N you are really talented young star, but unfortunately injury has hindered your progress. You are a good kid but unfortunately, the club couldn't afford your current wage bill and is looking to shrink players. After careful consideration, we have decided to terminate your contract with immediate effect. I'm sorry it has to come to this but it wasn't my decision, it was what the board wanted. I'm sure with your talent you will get another opportunity at this and find a club that you will be able to perform back to your best. It has been a pleasure coaching you, wishing you all the best in the future.

It took me some time to process what Jurgen Klopp said, and once I managed to process it, I was completely shocked. I realised that I no longer have a club and at that moment, I felt my eyes teared up but I had to stay strong. I still couldn't believe it but I guess this is what injuries bring you and it's part of football.

Y/N: The pleasure is mine Jurgen, thank you for everything.

As I left Jurgen Klopp's room, I was very sad. I packed up all my stuff in the changing room, and took one last photo outside the AXA Training Facility then went home. This was very emotional for me. I have been at Liverpool FC since I was a little kid, I was born here and played my way up to the first team. But today marked the end of my journey with Liverpool FC, after all these years and all the opportunities I was given, I was really thankful that the club has treated me right. On the other hand, I was really disappointed that it had to end like that. But Jurgen Klopp was right, I'm still young and injuries are a part of football. I still had load of potential and talent in front of me. Hopefully this will bring me some new opportunities.

I went home, crying. The last time I cried like this was when I broke up with Tzuyu, but only this time I was way more emotional. Liverpool FC was like a family to me, as I said I grew up there and to get my contract terminated, it was like getting kicked out of your family. I was really sad but I guess this is life. I went inside the house and was still crying, which my mom was already at the door waiting for me to give me a big hug.

Y/N: Mom, I can't believe I got my contract terminated by Liverpool.

Mom: We already know. We got the call a few days ago.


Mom: I'm sorry Y/N, we just think it would be better to find it out yourselves. We tried our best to make them keep you but we just couldn't.

I pushed my mom away, I can't believed she didn't tell me about this when they knew about it a few days ago. She could have told me told me something so I had a preparation for this, but no she had to let me find out the hard way. I charged into my room and continued to cry, still unwilling to accept the fact that I was released by Liverpool FC. I looked at all my posters and kits I have in my room, they were all my kits coming through the youth ranks and most importantly my first team kit. Also, the posters are all Liverpool FC posters. Looking at these decorations that I had in my room just made me cry even more. Liverpool FC was part of my life and now just like that, this part of my life has been taken away. 

Well, Y/N has just been released by Liverpool. Didn't see that coming right? What will Y/N do? Continue reading to find out.

As this book is nearing the end, I would like to finish this book as soon as possible so the updates will be more frequent. Maybe possibly 3 chapters per day or something like that. So if you don't want to miss an update from me please follow me and add this book to your library so you get notifications of when a new chapter is being updated.

Thank you very much for all your continuous, we are finally at the final stretch of this book so please continue reading this book. Make sure you vote for the chapters as you read along, not many chapters to go now. 

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