Chapter 23

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I can't believe I am in this state where I can't get over the fact that I have broken up with Tzuyu. I thought that I have made the correct decision but now I come to think of it, I have made the wrong decision. My life is a complete mess now, even though I have left all my memories with Tzuyu over in South Korea so I could start a fresh new life upon returning to Liverpool. Things were fine at first, but ever since that game, I don't know why I started to think about Tzuyu again.

I have been struggling ever since that game and haven't been the same as before. I always thought I have already moved on from Tzuyu when I first returned to Liverpool but she just plays a big part in my heart and was very important to me. I just really miss her, so much so that I am ready to submit a transfer request just so I could go back to FC Seoul. I wasn't really enjoying my football here anyways, I am much happier playing football at FC Seoul and I definitely feel less pressure playing in the K.LEAGUE.

I woke up, and got ready for training. I didn't really like this as training was so much intense compared to the ones at FC Seoul. However, I still have to go because I will get fined if I don't. Suffering with the intense training everyday makes me really want to go back to FC Seoul where I was happy. Arriving at the AXA Training Ground, I found out that I was the last one to arrive as the whole team are doing some stretching with one of the fitness coaches.

Jurgen Klopp: Right, good morning lads. We will be doing fitness training today.

Great, fitness training. I already hate training and today we are doing fitness training today, my most hated type of training. I really can't stand staying here at Liverpool anymore. I need to move back to Seoul and reunite with Tzuyu. Staying here is torture and I just can't take this anymore. I need to leave even if it isn't good for my career. 

Finally finishing the training today, I have decided to take my life into my own hands and tell Jurgen Klopp that I am not happy playing here and I wanted a move back to FC Seoul. So after getting changed and taking a shower, I headed into Jurgen Klopp's office. 

Knock Knock

Jurgen Klopp: Come in.

Y/N: Hi gaffer, can we talk?

Jurgen Klopp: Sure, I wanted to talk to you too.

Y/N: Ok, you can go first.

Jurgen Klopp: Seriously Y/N, what's going on with you? You aren't putting any effort into training lately. This attitude needs to change if you want to stay in this team and fight for a starting position. You are this rising star and many big clubs and England are keeping an eye on you.

Y/N: Actually, I am not happy playing football here. I was happy back at FC Seoul and I wanted to move back there.

Jurgen Klopp: I know it's not easy fitting in to the first team. But everyone been through this situation. I have booked an appointment for you with the club psychologist later maybe he could help you.

Y/N: But I really want to go back to FC Seoul.

Jurgen Klopp: Unfortunately for you I need you in my team. So I'm keeping you here, I'm sure you will feel better soon. Just give it some time and you will find out staying here will be the correct choice for your career.

I left Jurgen Klopp's office disappointed. Losing the fight for my happiness I started to rethink the situation. Maybe Jurgen Klopp was right about this. Staying here was the correct choice for my career. I just have to keep some positivity in my thinking and stop acting so negatively. Heading off the the psychologist, I hope he can clear the misery for me and make me think positively once again.

Knock Knock

Y/N: Hello is this doctor Lee Richardson?

Lee Richardson: Please come in, I have been expecting you. So what brings you here today?

Y/N: I don't know, I just don't feel like myself playing my football here. I have recently came back from my loan spell at FC Seoul and ever since I have been facing some problems.

Lee Richardson: Would you like to explain a little bit more?

I explained in detail to Doctor Richardson about how I met Tzuyu in Seoul and everything was going so well until I have been recalled by Jurgen Klopp back to Liverpool. Also my situation of suddenly remembering Tzuyu just before my Premier League debut and not being able to move on from her ever since she came back to my mind that day. After explaining it all, I started to tear up but I quickly rubbed my eyes and tried to hold my tears in.

Lee Richardson: It's ok you're at a safe space now. Let it all out it will be better.

I don't know why but I started crying out loud now. Breaking up with Tzuyu is difficult, especially when she is my first ever girlfriend and the first ever girl I loved. In my mind I always think I could get over with this quickly and accept the fact that I need to move on from this relationship to focus on my career, but I can't move on. 

Lee Richardson: Y/N, I guess your problem is always thinking that it will be fine and you will move on from it and keeping everything to yourself. You keep lying to yourself that everything is fine and that you have moved on when in truth you haven't so you keep getting flashes of memories from your previous relationship. What you could do now is let it all out like you just did. Talk to your family or even me about your problems and time will fix you. 

Y/N: Thank you Doctor Richardson. 

As I headed back home. My eyes are still puffy. However, after crying out loud and sharing some of my problems with Doctor Richardson I feel a little bit better. Maybe the problem is I didn't have someone to share this breakup with. Ever since I came back from Seoul I have always locked myself up in my room. Not talking to my parents and only getting out of my room for training, matches and food. I might have to change my living style a little bit to make me think and live a little bit more positively. Hopefully this change would make me feel better as time goes on and allow me to be happy.


And that's another chapter. I am not a psychologist or a psychology student so I don't know if that's what psychologists. If there are any psychology students or psychologists reading this chapter please do comment on how to make Y/N's and Doctor Richardson's session better and realistic so I could revise it in the future.

Just a little bit of a promotion. A Race To My Heart is on 9.9K reads which means we are only 100 reads away from the 10K reads milestone and the launch of Book 2 of A Race To My Heart. So if you haven't read that book yet do go read it please I promise you won't regret it.

Thank you very much for reading this book as well and please vote for this chapter. I don't know if I will have time to update another chapter before the weekend. But in the weekend I will update another chapter of my other book so if you haven't checked out Trust In Talent yet do go check it out as well.

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