Chapter 20

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Tzuyu POV

The day I was dreading finally came. Today is the day where Y/N leaves Seoul. I woke up inside Y/N's arms, it feels really comfortable in this position and I wish that I could stay cuddling with Y/N like this forever. Looking at Y/N, I saw he was still asleep so I decided to go back to sleep for a while so I can live in this moment a little bit longer. Few minutes later, I heard some kid of alarm go off and Y/N was rocking my body.

Y/N: Wake up Tzuyu.

Tzuyu: Ahhhh, I want to stay like this for a bit longer.

Y/N: Tzuyu ah, I need to catch my flight.

Tzuyu: Fine but we'll cuddle during the ride to the airport.

After waking up, I helped Y/N check that he has emptied the apartment and we loaded the car to that is going to take us to the airport. We also decided to take Kaya and Butter along with us as well which was difficult as Kaya and Butter were reluctant to leave.

The ride to the airport was silent. I didn't want to talk and just decided to cuddle and lean on Y/N's shoulder as we headed to the airport. Kaya and Butter were silent too, maybe they also feel sad about Y/N leaving them. Even though it has been a week since Y/N broke the news to me, I still can't believe this was happening. I guess it was really time to face reality, Y/N is leaving and we are most likely breaking up at this point. Even though I wanted to see if we could do a long distance relationship, breaking up would be the best for the both of us. Let's see what Y/N wants.

Arriving at Incheon airport, there was not much people queuing as it was pretty early. I followed Y/N through all the check in procedures which went on very smoothly. Finishing up the check in procedures, we sat down at the lounge of the airport to spend some more time alone and being together, hopefully to talk about what happens next for our relationship.

Tzuyu: So this is it I guess? The end of our relationship?

Y/N: I guess so Tzuyu. I really loved you but I think this move is the best for my career.

Tzuyu: I wish I could move with you.

Y/N: I know, but I don't want to ruin your career.

Tzuyu: Why don't we try a long distance relationship, I've done some research and there's 58% chance of us succeeding.

Y/N: I did thought about it but I don't think it will work.

Tzuyu: Why not, we could at least try it. I'd do anything to be with you Y/N.

Y/N: Sorry Tzuyu, but I don't know when I will come back to Seoul. Hence, I think breaking up is the best for the both of us.


At that moment, Tzuyu started crying. I mean who wouldn't cry just after a breakup when things are going so well. I wanted to cry too but I tried my best to look strong as this is my decision to end the relationship. I really didn't want to end this relationship but I don't know when I will come back to Seoul so like I said breaking up is the best for the both of us. It hurts me to see Tzuyu like this so I pulled her in for a hug to try and comfort her.

Y/N: I'm really sorry Tzuyu for leaving you like this.

Airport PA: Passengers of flight Korean Air 907 to London Heathrow, please report to gate 20 and prepare for our boarding procedures.

Y/N: That's my call Tzuyu, I need to go.

Tzuyu decided to walk with me to the customs gate. The walk seemed long and gloomy as we both hold hands and walked towards the restricted area of the airport. Finally arriving at the point of separation, I pulled Tzuyu in for one final hug and gave her one last kiss.

Y/N: That's it Tzuyu, I guess this is goodbye.

Tzuyu: I will always remember you and love you Y/N. Please come back one day, I'll be waiting.

Y/N: Thank you for all the memories Tzuyu and last night. 

Pulling out of the hug, I turned around and started heading into the restricted area. Once I turned my back against Tzuyu, I started to cry as well. It was difficult keeping the tears inside myself from this situation and I know Tzuyu feels the same. Reluctant to look back at Tzuyu, I kept walking further and further away from Tzuyu as I don't want to show Tzuyu that I am crying. I need to show her that I am strong and that I have made the correct decision. Hopefully she understands this and respect the decision I made.

Tzuyu POV

It was sad to see Y/N's figure diminish from my sight as he walked further and further into the restricted area. I tried to hold my tears in to show Y/N that I respected his decision but it was just too difficult. I started to cry as I watched Y/N's figure disappear from my sight, signalling the end of our relationship. 

Returning home, I was very sad about the breakup. Y/N keeps staying that it was the better for us and I understand where he is coming from. But that doesn't make the situation any easier to handle. During the journey home I kept crying as I held Kaya and Butter in my arms. Kaya and Butter feels like the kids I have with Y/N. Now that Y/N is gone, it feels like our family has broken apart and as I looked into Kaya's eyes, she seemed very sad as well.

Tzuyu: Kaya, I know you're sad that your dad has left but you need to hope that Y/N will come back to us one day.

Arriving at home, I kept my head down and ignored everyone. I went directly to my room as I was don't want to talk with anyone and just want to lay on my bed and cry for hours until I can't cry anymore. Break ups are tough to take, as much as I want to tell my members so they could share the sadness with me, I don't want to ruin their happiness and the mood for the upcoming shows we have so I decided to just cry alone.

Jihyo: Guys, what's going on with Tzuyu? She didn't come back today and now she's crying all of a sudden.

Jeongyeon: No idea, just let her be I guess. 

Jihyo: I need to know.

Jeongyeon: She'll tell you once she's ready.

And that's another chapter. Y/N and Tzuyu broke up at last. But will Y/N and Tzuyu get back together or will their grow more and more distant? Find out in the future chapters.

I know my updates are very out of schedule. But trust me I am trying to balance writing two books, watching the Euros at 3am and this volunteering job I have over the summer. It's not easy but I will try and set up an updating schedule soon. 

With the Euros nearing the end and there are no longer matches everyday at 3am, I now have more time to rest and hence more time to write chapters. Therefore, chapters will come more often soon. I am not guaranteeing anything but I will try my best to update more frequently as the amount of games decrease.

Finally, don't forget to vote for this chapter and thank you for all who have been voting along as you read this book. These votes and reads means a lot to me and motivates me to continue writing this book.

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