Chapter 13

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After doing the interview with KBS Sports, I received the K.LEAGUE Man of The Match trophy and went back into the changing room for the full time team talk. The manager was clearly pleased with the performance of the team after the promising 3-0 victory.

Park Jin Sub: Right, well played boys and a really good performance from Y/N but we are still very conservative and can't control possession. Even though we won this game, we still need to improve on controlling possession which we will be focusing on up until our next fixture against FC Seongnam. Enjoy the day rest tomorrow and I will see you in training soon.

Once the manager has finished his match debrief, we all took a shower packed our bags and left the stadium. As this is a home game we all went our own ways which means I can go hangout with Tzuyu like she wanted top after the game. I walked out the stadium from the player and official exit with Han Chan Hee and Ki Sung Yeung who are talking about how well I performed on my full debut. As I exited the stadium I was greeted by a girl in a hoodie and a mask. This time I was aware who it was behind that disguise, it was Tzuyu.

Y/N: I got to go guys. See you in training. Bye

Han Chan Hee: Yeah enjoy your date with your girlfriend bro. Bye.

I blushed at the comment that Han Chan Hee made and started fantasising in my mind how good would it be if I had Chou Tzuyu as my girlfriend as I walked towards her. The guys have no idea who it was behind the hoodie and mask which was good cause it would be a big deal if they find out that I am going out with Chou Tzuyu.

Y/N: Let's go Tzuyu.

We headed off to a pet cafe that Tzuyu suggested. On the way to the pet shop Tzuyu kept praising me on my performance during the game even though she clearly sounded like she didn't know what happened during the game. She looked so cute trying to sound like she knows a lot about football when she actually don't. I was just listening to her keep describing the game using very unprofessional football terms.

Once we arrived, Tzuyu entered the pet cafe jumping around in happiness. She said that she really like puppies and she wasn't afraid to show it when going into the cafe. After ordering our coffee we sat down and immediately a little puppy approached Tzuyu and started barking at her.

Tzuyu: Who's a good girl huh?

Y/N: You really like puppies?

Tzuyu: Yes I love them so much. How can you not like them they are so cute.

Sipping on our coffee, Tzuyu kept explaining that how she always comes to this pet cafe to play with the puppies. Apparently some of the puppies here were stray before the shop owner adopted them and hence Tzuyu always comes to this place to play with the puppies. She told me how she comes to this place when she's sad or stressful to cheer herself up and release some stress. I mean the puppies are really friendly it seems so I guess they do really cheer people up. Suddenly, a cute shiba inu ran over to me and jumped on me. I was scared at first and Tzuyu laughed at me.

Tzuyu: You don't have to be scared Y/N, they are all friendly (laughs).

Once Tzuyu said that I put some bravery on and started petting the cute little shiba inu. It looked so cute and happy and it really looks like it would bring happiness to people's life. I started to think maybe I should adopt a puppy myself as well to get rid of my loneliness here in Seoul.

Y/N: Tzuyu, do you think I should adopt a puppy?

Tzuyu: Of course.

Y/N: But I don't know anything about taking care of puppies.

Tzuyu: I can teach you that. Is your place puppy free?

Y/N: I don't know maybe you should come check next time.

Tzuyu: Sure.

Finishing our coffee, we bid our goodbyes to the puppies and went our separate ways. Before saying our goodbyes Tzuyu asked me a question.

Tzuyu: Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: Sure what's up?

Tzuyu: Can you teach me how to play football?

Y/N: Of course, I would love to.

Tzuyu: Thanks, next time we meet you will teach me how to play football.

Y/N: Can't wait. Bye!

I can't believe I have smoothly made up an excuse to make Tzuyu visit my apartment. She's so naive and unsuspicious about everything. I think we are moving the correct way and she is willing to learn about football. Maybe next time we go out I should put some bravery on and ask her to be my girlfriend instead of just courting her like this.

Tzuyu POV

I went back to the dorm and dropped onto my bed. I really had fun today because I was with Y/N today. Thinking back to the football game, I never thought I would be interested in this sport. It was Y/N who made me gain interest in football. I thought puppies are the only thing that made me happy but turns out, Y/N also makes me happy. I can't wait to see him next time when he teaches me how to play football. I think this is not just a crush, I am starting to develop some serious feelings for Y/N.

Lying on the bed, I was fantasising about how Y/N is the perfect boyfriend for me. He's kind, athletic, handsome and really cute when he's scared like I saw earlier today. He is really the perfect boyfriend because he really knows how to be nice to people. However all of a sudden, I woke up from my fantasy to realise that Y/N isn't perfect. He can be very dumb when it comes to romantic relationship. I have been giving him so many hints that I have a crush on him throughout this date and he still didn't get the hint that I have a crush on him. I called the two times we went out as a date and he still didn't get it. I even told him I want to learn football and agreed to visit his place next time and he still didn't get the hint. I would have asked him to date me already if I wasn't a girl, but sadly I am a girl and I need to control myself so I act like a lady. I hope he asks me to be his girlfriend soon.


Are Y/N and Tzuyu going to be together soon? Comment your thoughts below on who would make the first move and confess. Will Tzuyu confess to Y/N or Y/N confess to Tzuyu.

Sorry for the late update. I was going to release this chapter before Tzuyu's birthday ends but sadly I missed the end of Tzuyu day in Korea because I was out the whole day. However, it is still Tzuyu's birthday according to the Taiwan time so it doesn't matter.

Once again because of the Euros the updates will come less frequent but it doesn't mean I am stopping this book and going on another hiatus so please continue supporting and reading this book.

Finally I just wanted to say FOOTBALL IS COMING HOME 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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