Chapter 30

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Few Months Later


Ever since the concert, things have changed a lot. Since I have been out for a few months already, the past few months has just been me trying to recover fully. Even though I said I would take my time in my recovery route to avoid anything going wrong and risking further injuries, I still want to recover as quick as possible. Weirdly, I have been getting a few texts here and there on Instagram from this Twicetagram account. I don't know if it is just some fans or was it legitimate, but this person keeps asking me how have I been. I didn't really want to respond because I am quite busy on my recovery route. 

Today, I will be visiting the medical centre to do further scans on my leg to give an update for my current situation. Everything from the past few months have been looking really good. I have been steadily coming back from doing individual training to light drills and last week I was able to rejoin first team training. Looks like after the slump I been through with my injury. I was eager to come back to some football action. Hopefully the doctor gives me green light today to join the under 23s so I could pick up some form before I head back to the first team.

Like the previous visits, I did some scans on my leg and also some physiotherapy. Currently, I don't need a cast to walk anymore and my broken ankle has completely healed itself, it was just the knee that was causing the problem. However, the past few weeks, I was able to do some running and jumping without feeling any pain on my knee so it was a sign of good things. After all the procedure, the medical director Andy Massey came over with the report along with Jurgen Klopp.

Andy Massey: Well things are looking good, you knee looks like it's completely healed. If you don't feel any pain we're happy to let you join full training from now on.

Jurgen Klopp: We're fine with that but Y/N you would have to play a few games with the under 23s first to get some form back first.

Y/N: Sounds fair.

The next couple of weeks was really crucial for me. It was the most important part of my recovery journey. During these upcoming weeks, I need to train very hard and put in as much effort as I could in training to try and get back into match shape. But in doing so, I have to avoid getting the same injury again. 

The Next Day

Today is the day where I resume full first team training. I arrived at the AXA Training Facility extra early to try and do some warm ups to prevent I get cramps or further injuries to my knee during the training. I spent an hour or so just doing some running and jumping drills as warmup before I face the real intense full training.

About 20 minutes later, the other players started to arrive at the training ground and so did the manager Jurgen Klopp. We all did some stretching and jogged for a few laps before the start of the training session. I can't wait to feel the tiredness of a full training.

Jurgen Klopp: Right even though we have Y/N resuming full training for the first time since his ACL injury, I won't be doing an easy training as we have tough fixtures coming up soon.

Today we were doing a lot of tactical training which involves separating the attackers, midfielders and defenders and also doing mini games. I was being grouped with the midfielders and our drills include some dribbling drills and some passing drills. The dribbling drills came back to me naturally and I managed to go through with them no problem at all. The easy passing drills was also alright to me which was not surprising at all. However, I was struggling with the monkey in the middle drill. Because the circle was too small and we were doing one touch only, I struggled to adapt to the pace of the passing. Also, I was struggling to adapt to the pace of the mini games meaning that I am severely lacking in match shape. Hopefully this will change soon when I slowly get back into form.

After training, I was completely worn out because I was not used to the intense training and haven't been doing any intense training for a few months. However, I made myself stay behind to do some more individual drills such as sprinting, shooting and dribbling to hopefully further improve my form so I could get back into the pitch as soon as possible. The feel and the nature of my dribbling and shooting are slowly coming back to me but one thing that I can't seem to recover is the pace and the adaptation to the games. I need to do extra training every day to try and get myself back into match shape because the season was nearing the end which means Gareth Southgate would be looking for players to take to the 2022 Qatar World Cup. Jurgen Klopp spotted me staying behind alone doing drills on my own and came over to me.

Jurgen Klopp: Y/N, why are you staying behind?

Y/N: Hey gaffer, I just wanted to get back into match shape as soon as possible.

Jurgen Klopp: Y/N, I understand your urge to play football again but you have just recently came back from a serious injury, you shouldn't be pushing yourself so hard.

Y/N: I know but I was failing to adapt to the pace of the game during training today.

Jurgen Klopp: I could tell from your performances today, which is why I am putting you in the upcoming under 23s fixtures to let you adapt to some slower games.

Y/N: Thanks gaffer. I'll just finish up and leave.

Another hour of individual training later, I decided to call it a day as I don't think I have the stamina left to kick a football. I have noticed that coming back from this injury, my pace, awarenesses and stamina has really decreased. I really need to change these three areas because it is very important as a attacking midfielder to have awareness while playing as the Trequartista role which is basically a half winger, I need pace and stamina in order to run the pitch. Hopefully playing some games with the under 23s could help me improve these areas of my game and allow me to play at a high level once again.

Another chapter for this book. Originally this chapter was due to be update last night but I couldn't finish it so I spent this morning at work writing this chapter. There will hopefully be another update later today so stay tuned for that.

The next chapter will be a match chapter so I'm sorry if you are expecting some interesting updates but I promise it will be worth it. Y/N is recently coming back on injury and the next chapter will be his first game after his ACL injury. What will happen? Stay tuned to find out.

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