Chapter 28

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I went home with crutches and very mad about what just happened to me. I still can't believe that Milivojevic nearly ruined my career with one tackle. Him not getting sent off after that tackleis the least of my worries right now, I want him to give me 6 months of football back. As I entered my house, my mom saw me in crutches and a cast, she was very worried.

Mom: What happened Y/N?

Y/N: Don't want to f***ing talk about it.

Almost immediately, I head to my room and slammed my door. I rarely respond to my mom like that and I am usually quite well at controlling my temper. However, this was different, my career was almost ruined just because of a dangerous tackle. 

Once in my room, I kept thinking about what the medical director said at the hospital. According to the medical director I will be out for at least six months if I do physiotherapy which was what I picked. It was really a tough decision because I really wanted to have a chance to play in the World Cup 2022, representing my home country. There are so many factors that determine if I will be able to make it to the 2022 World Cup now that I have this ACL injury. First of all, I need to see if I could fully recover from this big injury in time for the World Cup because if physiotherapy goes horribly wrong I will be out for even longer. Secondly, even if I do recover, I would have to play back to my current form which is basically impossible because historically there are a lot of players who can't return to their tip top shape after recovery. Also, there are a lot of players battling for my central attacking midfielder role in the England team, Phil Foden and Mason Mount are just a few big names fighting for the position.

There was a lot going in my mind right now. I was absolutely fuming that I can't play football for the next six months. Six months, I mean six months is a really long period. Nobody knows what's going to happen in six months time. While I was depressed, my mom came into my room. Wonder what does she want now.

Knock Knock

Mom: Hey Y/N, I brought you your favourite protein bar.

Y/N: Thanks mom.

Mom: Come on Y/N, don't be like that. Where is the happy and optimistic Y/N I know? Tell me what happened.

Y/N: Ugh, it's difficult. The club doctors said I have an ACL tear and a broken ankle. I was playing so well and now I am out for six months at least so I can recover. I might miss the World Cup 2022 at Qatar as well.

Mom: Y/N ah- you are still young and have loads of potential in front of you. If you can't go to the 2022 World Cup, there's still the 2026 and 2030 World Cups you could go to. Six months is a long period of time and a lot can happen. Just look forward, stay positive focus on your recovery and I'm sure something good would happen to you.

My mom was right. I'm still young, I still have loads of chances and potential in my career. I need to focus on my recovery and make sure I am 100% fit before I start playing football. I must not rush this recovery process as the medical director said that if I rush it I will risk getting myself injured again. If I end up missing the 2022 Qatar World Cup, I still have the 2026 and the 2030 World Cup that I could possibly make it. But if I rush my recovery process, I might end up having to retire early and miss all the World Cup that I could possibly attend. I feel a little bit better now that my mom talked to me.

Y/N: Thanks mom, I feel a little bit better now.

Mom: No worries Y/N. Oh by the way, this came through the mail today.

Y/N: What's that?

Mom: I don't know it's from South Korea.

I opened the mail and apparently it was a ticket for the Twicelights concert in London. I had completely forgotten that I have bought the tickets for Twice's concert here in London. I must have been very excited a few months ago when Twice announced their European tour and made the purchase back then. It has been a while since I last really got into Twice. Ever since I started to move on from Tzuyu, I started to venture out to other Kpop groups to help me forget about Tzuyu easier which seemed to work. Currently, I am really into ITZY but I guess watching the Twice concert wouldn't hurt since I have nothing to do now that I am injured. Maybe I would enjoy watching this Twice concert and seeing Tzuyu perform on stage. Maybe that would make me happy during this low point of my career. 

Before I went to the concert, I need to prepare myself. As I have purchased VIP tickets, I will be quite close to the stage which means there is a high chance that Tzuyu will spot me in the crowd. That is the last thing I want to happen because I am not really ready to face her. I mean I want to see her and catch up with her once again to see what's going on in her world, but I just don't know how to face her again and what to say to her. I think if I meet her again it will be very awkward. So I decided to head to the concert in some sunglasses, a cap and a mask as well. That should be enough to cover me in disguise for the concert. I mean there's also a chance that I might get flagged down in London by the fans asking for an autograph so I still need to be careful about that, but the main point of me wearing disguise to the concert is to avoid any eye to eye contact with Tzuyu.

A double update today because I've got so much free time now. I will try and update the next chapter tomorrow. What will happen at the Twicelight concert for Y/N? Find out by continue reading this book.

This book is going to end shortly, but don't worry I will publish more football plots in the future as I have a few footballer Y/N x kpop idol books planned so remember to follow me and keep checking my profile for new book releases. 

Finally, thank you very much for your continuous support and continue to reading this book, it has really motivate me to want to write more and makes me enjoy writing as well knowing people are enjoying my work. Please don't forget to vote and share this book and vote along as you read this book.

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