Chapter 32

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I was in severe pain, I don't know if it was from pulling my muscles when I tried to stop my run from a very high speed or was it from smashing into the advertising board. The club physio once again tried to spray some pain killers onto my knee to try and see if I could play on but I was in too much pain. The situation right now isn't looking positive as I am injured on my first game back from an ACL tear.

Y/N: I don't think I can continue, might have torn a muscle or something.

Chris Morgan: Yeah I think it's best you sit out the rest of the game. We are going to send you to the hospital for further scans and checks.

Y/N: You don't think it would be another ACL right?

Chris Morgan: We can't confirm until we had the scans.

I walked off the pitch and was immediately sent to the hospital to conduct further tests and scans. Here I am again, straight back to the hospital after my first Premier League since the injury. It wasn't looking good, even though I was able to walk off the pitch and I don't need a stretcher, but I was still in a lot of pain and I can't put any pressure on my knee. I was praying that it wouldn't be another ACL tear. Few moments later, the medical director Andy Massey came over with the report.

Andy Massey: Y/N, I'm afraid it's bad news. You've torn your ACL again.

Y/N: WHAT? Check again! There's no way that could happen.

Andy Massey: You can check the scans yourself. 

There was no way this could happen again. I checked the scans myself and I can't tell if the tear was an ACL but there was a clear tear on the photo they showed me. I still couldn't believe that this has happened to me. With this I don't know if I could continue playing professional football because this injury looks like is going to haunt me forever.

Y/N: You sure they aren't just the scans from last time?

Andy Massey: We're 100% sure. We could do another scan just to make sure but the outcome will be the same. Also, given this is the second tear and it looks more serious than last time you will have to undergo surgery. We have scheduled one for you tomorrow, stay here and the doctor will take care of the rest of the procedure.

I guess I really had no choice but to undergo surgery. My footballing career is now in serious risk right now. Hopefully the surgery will go successfully so I could go back to playing football professionally. At this moment, I don't really care about me not being fit for the World Cup, I have more important things to worry about. Things like if I will be able to play football after this surgery. The only way to find out is to ask the doctor about it tomorrow.

The Next Day

Today I will undergo my knee injury and also will mark the start of my recovery from this ACL tear. I was extremely nervous because I don't know if the surgery will go well or not. If things doesn't go well and the surgery is unsuccessful, I will never be playing football again. Hopefully this goes well.

The doctor came over and did some standard procedure checks and shortly started to wheel my bed into the surgery room. At this moment, I have another wave of nerve hitting me. This time was not about me not being able to play football anymore. This was my hospital phobia, I have had that since I was little. I was always scared of coming to the hospital and especially undergoing surgery. When I was younger, I had the fear of not waking up from the anaesthetics and that fear was with me right now. My heart started beating faster and faster as I approached the surgery room.

Doctor: So Y/N, today we will be operating a knee surgery on you. We will apply anaesthetics on you so you won't feel anything or know what's going on. Do you understand this?

Y/N: Yes.

This short conversation doesn't make me feel any better. I was still very nervous and I heard the clinks from the doctor setting up and laying out the tools. Soon though, the doctor applied a mask on me and I slowly drifted off to sleep......

End of Surgery

I didn't know what happened in the past hours or days, but as I woke up, I saw myself back out in the room with the club's medical director and the doctor who I am pretty sure I met a few moments ago. I don't know how much time has passed but at least I am now awake.

Doctor: Y/N, the surgery was successful. Your ACL tear and knees will heal shortly. I will pass onto your medical director to explain your situation.

Andy Massey: Thanks doctor, well your knees will still feel weak and we don't advise you put any pressure or movement on it for at least a month. We still want you to do physiotherapy, but because you have recently undergo surgery you will be out for longer this time but you could come back to light training in about a month. 

After hearing that, I gave a big sigh of relief knowing that everything has went on smoothly. I was really thankful that I woken up from the anaesthetics and the surgery went on successfully. For now, I just have to focus on the physiotherapy and recovery. Andy Massey said I can return to light training in about a month which was at least good news for me because I didn't suffer a career ending injury. I was very scared that this second ACL injury would be a career ending one but looks like luck was on my side and I live to fight for another day. This time I will make sure that I won't rush the recovery process because I am pretty sure the next major knee injury I suffer, my career would be done. This was a sign for me, and I am really happy that I was given another chance to continue my football career.

So Y/N didn't suffer a career ending injury. Will he be able to play football again or will he suffer a third ACL injury in the future forcing him to end his career? Continue reading to find out.

Yes this is the third update today. I know what a surprise. I really want to update as quickly as possible. As this book is coming to an end, I want to focus on my other stories and probably publish another book.

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