Chapter 21

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Tzuyu POV

Ever since Y/N left, I was very down and wasn't being myself. I think the members and managers knows about that as well but I never told them about Y/N and the breakup. I just decided to keep it to myself. It was very difficult because with all the things that happened, it was made more difficult that I have to perform in today's comeback show while going through all of this. Somehow, I need to fake it and put a smile on my face. But I am a professional and I should not let personal feelings disrupt me on the stage.

We were going onto the Ellen Show to perform our latest title track Alcohol Free, and I was trying my best to put a smile on my face and perform professionally, but at backstage when we were all getting ready, the thought of Y/N leaving and the scene of our separation in the airport kept hovering in my mind. 

During the show, I just wasn't myself. I can't seem to put my full focus onto the performance with my mind constantly thinking about the breakup with Y/N. I made a few mistakes with the dance routine and missed a few beats while performing on stage. Hopefully nobody noticed that and that my mistake will get cut out when the show airs.

Going back home, I was still very quiet and didn't talk to anyone. I think my members noticed this sudden change of personality in me because they were starting to talk about it amongst it themselves. Somehow, they also noticed about my mistakes on stage today because they were talking about it on the way home as well. 

Arriving at home, I went straight into my room, ignoring everyone just like I have been doing ever since me and Y/N broke up. I went into my room and laid on my bed scrolling through Twitter until Jihyo unnie suddenly came into my room. I tried to act my best so Jihyo unnie wouldn't notice that I am a bit down.

Jihyo: Knock knock Tzuyu.

Tzuyu: Hello unnie.

Jihyo: I brought your favourite cookies and cream ice cream to cheer you up.

Tzuyu: Thanks unnie.

Jihyo: So Tzuyu what's up?

Tzuyu: What do you mean what's up?

Jihyo: Don't try to pretend, you're not the type to cry and be sad about things but I can tell you have been sad for a while now.

Tzuyu: It's just that...... (sobs) just.......

At that moment, I started crying again. I tried to take this all to myself but it was really difficult to keep it to myself. I had to let it all out and since Jihyo was here, I might as well let it all out and tell her about my problems. 

Tzuyu: It's just (sobs) you know break up is very difficult and I've just gone through one. I thought I would be ok with Y/N leaving South Korea to pursue his career but it was very difficult. I tried to think about it on a positive but I just can't.

Jihyo: I understand Tzuyu, break ups are never easy. I went through that with Daniel, I was really sad when we first broke up, but sometimes in life these things happen. All you can do is forget about it and move on.

Tzuyu: But Y/N is really the one for me. I really loved him.

Jihyo: I'm sure you did, but you can't let this one thing affect you.

Tzuyu: Was it that obvious that it was affecting me?

Jihyo: You were making a lot of mistakes during the show today. Tzuyu, you are a professional you shouldn't let these feelings be with you during performances.

Tzuyu: Sorry Jihyo unnie.

Once Jihyo unnie left, I thought to myself. Should I really forget about Y/N? I mean he did leave and probably won't come back to Seoul anymore. But forgetting someone you really love is hard. It's like everywhere I go, I feel like I was missing something. Y/N was like the puzzle piece that I needed to complete my life but now that he's gone, my life is not complete. 

Looking over at Kaya and Butter, they are playing with themselves happily. Seems like Kaya and Butter has moved on from Y/N and I really should do the same. Suddenly, Butter was barking at a box that was hidden inside my closet. I went over and took a look at what was that box all about.

Opening the box, I realised why Butter was barking at the box. It was full of stuff related to Y/N. Ever since Y/N left, I put everything that he left behind and all our photos in a box and hid it somewhere to help me forget about Y/N quicker. However, that didn't really work as I was still thinking about Y/N all the time. Going through the stuff of the box, most of them are just photos that we took for memories. I was going to put all the photos back into the box to hide it again until I thought about what Jihyo said.

Jihyo: All you can do is forget about it and move on.

Keeping all these stuff won't make me forget about Y/N and move on from him. I need to really do something to erase him from my memory forever. I took the box down to the living room and got the paper shredder out and decided to shred all the photos in the box. It was tough and I was crying while shredding the photos. But it had to be done. This will definitely help me forget about Y/N once and for all. I'm really sorry Y/N, but Jihyo was right, we need to forget about each other and move on.

Few Days Later

After completely throwing away almost every memory left that me and Y/N have created, I was left with Kaya and Butter only. Shredding the photo really did helped me forget about Y/N a lot, I don't know how but I feel a lot better now. Sure, sometimes Y/N does come back to my head whenever I see Kaya and Butter, but I can't throw away Kaya and Butter. They are just too cute and it would be very unethical just throwing out two puppies. Therefore, I decided to keep them just because I like puppies.

Well that has gone well. Tzuyu has decided to shred all the photos that she and Y/N has taken in an attempt to forget about Y/N and it looks like it worked well. What about Y/N? Has he forgotten about Tzuyu completely? Find out in the next chapter.

Currently, I will be doing alternate updates with my other book Trust In Talent. If you haven't check that book out yet, please do go and check it out. I will try my best to come up with a schedule for updating chapters. But until then, this will have to do.

Finally a little bit of football talk. I can confirm that IT WILL BE COMING HOME. 

Anyways, please vote for this chapter and thank you very much for 2K readers. Seeing the readers count go up day by day really makes me happy so please continue reading and voting on this book as it goes along. 

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