Chapter 34

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I must have cried myself to sleep last night because when I woke up, I smell my mom's famous full English breakfast. She must have cooked that in attempt to cheer me up after what happened yesterday. I got down to the dining room and was greeted by both my mom and my dad.

Mom: Good morning Y/N.

Y/N: Good morning mom, dad.

Mom: how did you sleep last night.

Y/N: Alright I guess.

Breakfast was really quiet as I didn't really feel like speaking to anyone. I was still a little bit emotional and pissed off that I have been released by Liverpool FC after all the years I have spent with them. However, the silence was broken by my mom speaking up.

Mom: Y/N, I know you are going through a rough patch of your career. But hear me out here. You are still young and still have a lot of opportunities. Just because Liverpool FC doesn't want you doesn't mean other teams doesn't want you. Take this time off and explore new opportunities, go on trials with lower ranked teams, I'm sure you will find your feet again.

Y/N: Mom, I'm fine.

Mom: Just take my advice.

After breakfast, I went back to my room because I didn't really feel like talking to anyone. I want some time to myself. I still don't know why Liverpool FC had to release me, I was playing so well but I guess the injury is really hindering my development. I kept thinking about what my mom and Jurgen Klopp said.


Jurgen Klopp: Y/N you are really talented young star, but unfortunately injury has hindered your progress. You are a good kid but unfortunately, the club couldn't afford your current wage bill and is looking to shrink players. After careful consideration, we have decided to terminate your contract with immediate effect. I'm sorry it has to come to this but it wasn't my decision, it was what the board wanted. I'm sure with your talent you will get another opportunity at this and find a club that you will be able to perform back to your best. It has been a pleasure coaching you, wishing you all the best in the future.

End Of Flashback

Maybe my mom and Jurgen Klopp are right. This is another opportunity to prove myself, I should take this injury as an opportunity to take some time off. I haven't had a vacation since I started my professional footballing career. The past few years of my life was playing football non-stop. It's time I change that, maybe a vacation wouldn't be a terrible idea. I started thinking for places where I wanted to go on holiday until I stopped at South Korea. 

It is decided then, I will be going to South Korea indefinitely. I contacted my ex FC Seoul teammates and luckily my good friend Han Chan Hee was willing to let me stay at his apartment. That was a really good sign because I don't need to spend money on hotel and I can stay there for as long as I want. I booked the next flight flying to Seoul Incheon Airport which was leaving tomorrow morning. I didn't tell my mom because she would probably come with me or persuade me to stay. I really wanted some me time over at South Korea and explore new opportunities and more importantly spend some time alone away from English football.

The Next Day

My flight leaves at London Heathrow at 11am so I left my house quietly at 5am. I called an Uber will pick me up from my house at 5:30 and take me directly to London Heathrow. I woke up very early and checked if I have packed everything that I need with me. I made sure that my parents are still asleep and went outside to wait for my Uber, not making any noise as I carried my luggage out to the road. Before I left my house, I wrote a letter to my parents and left it on the dining table to let them know they won't be finding me at home anytime soon but also intentionally leaving out the place that I will be heading so they won't come and find me.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for all the years you have been with me and supported my footballing career. Thank you for taking care of me up until this moment. However, I need some time alone and explore new opportunities around the world. You won't be able to find me when you wake up as I will already be on a plane heading to a new place where hopefully I will be able to find myself. Please don't track me down as I really need some alone time. If you have any urgent issues you can still call me, if not please don't call me everyday asking if I was fine. I will be fine and I am sure I will return one day. I promise I will take good care of myself when I arrive and I will definitely return home when I feel I am ready to do so. 


Leaving the note on the kitchen table, I went outside of my house, took one last look and got into my ride which will take me to London Heathrow. Once again, I didn't look back, I was leaving my house with no regrets at all. This was definitely the correct decision, I really haven't had much time alone thinking about what I wanted to do in the future. All my life, I have been told what to do by my coaches. When I was sent to FC Seoul on loan or when I was being put into the under 23s while coming back from my first injury, I just did as I was told. I didn't really have a say in anything. But now, I finally have an opportunity to really discover what I want to do and to look for a club myself. My whole career was set up for me by Liverpool FC, and finally now that I am released I could take this opportunity to use my skills, talent and hard work to find myself a club. It would be interesting and challenging, but a challenge that I am willing to take.

So what will happen to Y/N when he arrives at Seoul? Continue reading to find out. The end of this book is finally ending so comment down below if you would like to see a sequel.

Yes I did give out a double update again today because I really wanted to finish this book before I head to Taiwan. There are only a few more chapters left so I will try and publish the remainder of this book before the end of the week.

Make sure you have added this book to your library and have followed me to never miss a new chapter release or update from me. Thank you very much for all your support and please vote for this chapter. Keep a look out for the release of that next chapter because I might release the next chapter later. 

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