Chapter 29

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I got off the Jubilee Line train at Wembley Park to head to Wembley Arena which is where the Twice concert is held. There were a lot of people heading to the concert venue which was really surprising. Luckily I got my all those face coverings and disguise on, because with the amount of people here, someone is bound to know who I am and spot me. It was surprising with the amount of people heading to the concert, there were people of all ethnicity and nationality. I thought not many people would like K-Pop over here in England and that the concert will mainly be attended by the Asian community living in London.

I might have been dating Chou Tzuyu for a while in the past and a very big K-Pop fan, but this was actually my first time attending a musical concert of any sort. This was because when I was dating Tzuyu it wasn't comeback season so they didn't really have any concert and shows to attend and I wasn't willing to splash the cash on concert tickets. I have no idea how these musical concerts works, but I assume it is similar to attending a football game. You sit down, jump around when everyone is jumping and dancing around and sing along  when you hear a song you like. 

Boy, I couldn't be more wrong with my assumptions. This was so different compared to attending a football game. The audience all have all these Twice merchandise that all looked very expensive. Some even have self made name and cheering signs that have lights on them which looked like it was done by professionals. I looked pathetic compared to most of the audiences when I'm standing here like a noob with only my Candy Bong Z. Not wanting to miss out, I picked up a Twicelights hoodie from the pop up shop so I could fit into the crowd a little bit more. Thank god I have recently signed a new professional contract with Liverpool because the hoodie costed 50 pounds. I would never get it when I was younger, but at least now I could look more like a Once with the hoodie. 

A few minutes later, the members came out to do their dance rehearsal and sound testing. This was the moment where everyone from the crowd started to cheer. Everyone of the audience went mental as they saw Twice come onto the stage, even if they were all in their casual clothing and was nowhere near ready for the concert yet. The person next to me was very excited as he jumped around with joy and kept putting his hands out trying to let one of the Twice member to spot him and shake his hand. However, their sound testing and rehearsal only lasted for merely five minutes and they all went back in to prepare for the main concert, which during their exit, everyone was still cheering excitingly. Relax people, this is only the sound testing and dance rehearsal only. 

Another hour of waiting or so, the concert officially began which the crowd once again gone mental after one hour of silence. I don't know if this is fate or not but my Premium VIP section was directly in front of where Tzuyu was performing most the time. They started performing their first song which was Stuck In My Head and went through all of the songs one by one. I think my ears are going to pop after the concert because of the noise from the speaker and even though there were only like 10 of us who got Premium VIP tickets I was deafen by the people screaming and shouting. Especially the guy next to me, he is a super Once or something because he was so excited and enthusiastic about seeing them on stage.

During the whole length of the concert, I tried my best in avoiding eye contact with Tzuyu which was really difficult because she was standing right in front of me most of the time. It was really awkward for me even though I had sunglasses on and covered myself pretty well. However, as we are Premium VIP ticket holders, the few of us were invited to the Premium Lounge for a chance to meet the members and everyone was very excited. As I was not ready to risk meeting Tzuyu again I only put a gift down and left the venue. 

Tzuyu POV

After completing our second concert here in England, I still had no luck in finding or meeting Y/N at all. But during the concert, I kept glancing in the audience and I swear he was in the Premium VIP audience section. There was a guy in full disguise but I swear that it was Y/N because of his body shape. I know how Y/N looked like even if he had himself all covered up so I was pretty sure it was Y/N. However, since none of the members wanted to go to the Premium Lounge as they were all tired from performing. I might not have a chance to see him.

Manager: Right since you all don't want to meet some of the fans. We'll just head home, we'll go check if they have gifts to collect for you.

Tzuyu: Manager-nim, can I go with you. I think my friend is in the Premium Lounge.

Manager: I guess.

I followed manager nim to the Premium Lounge, but there were only a few fans and none of them were Y/N. I tried to look for a person in full disguise but nobody was in disguise or have any sort of face coverings on. Maybe that was not Y/N and maybe I was just overthinking about this Y/N situation. The managers collected all the presents, I signed some autographs for the fans and thanked the fans for supporting our European tour and went back into the changing room prepared to head back to the hotel.

On the way home, most of the members were tired so they were asleep but not me. I just couldn't stop thinking about Y/N so I spent the ride home opening the gifts that the fans gave us. As I opened a gift that was quite small, I was wondering what it was. All the gifts came from a bag and is normally a little bit bigger than this, but this gift is surprisingly small. 

As I opened it, I was really surprised at it. It was just a keyring. I mean I respect all our fans and the gifts they give to us, but this one was pathetic. I mean a keyring? What is this? A souvenir from your last vacation. However, as I looked closer at the gift, it has a Liverpool FC logo on it. 

That's it, this gift was from Y/N

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That's it, this gift was from Y/N. I knew he was here. Turns out he still cared about me, I really need to somehow figure out a way to contact him before I leave England. I kept thinking, but it was too late because we are heading to Paris tomorrow morning for our France tour. There was no way I will meet him ever again. I need to do something quick, so I took out my phone and used the Twicetagram account and messaged him even though I am not supposed to.

 I need to do something quick, so I took out my phone and used the Twicetagram account and messaged him even though I am not supposed to

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Do you think Tzuyu and Y/N still have feelings for each other? I mean they both have moved on from each other but Tzuyu went to the Liverpool game and Y/N went to the Twicelight concert.

I know that VIP ticket holders doesn't get to chill with Twice in the VIP Lounge but I will allow it for the sake of the plot. I actually don't know how concerts work since I've never been to one in my life. So if anyone knows how fans could interact with singers after the concert please comment down below so I could change it accordinly.

Thank you very much for the past support and please like always, don't forget to vote and add this book to your reading list so you don't miss an update. Please vote along as you read this book as it really helps and motivates me. I might not be able to publish a new chapter tomorrow but I will definitely publish more frequently from now on so stay tuned for that.

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