Chapter 12

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It has been a while since I last hangout with Tzuyu as I have been very busy with training and the match preparation for the Suwon FC fixture. We have kept close contact and have been constantly texting each other about how are things going within our lives. I really enjoyed talking to her as she seemed like a really nice person to have as a friend. Maybe more who knows but for now I think it's best that we stayed as friends as I am not sure that if she wanted to be something more than friends.

I had so much fun on our little coffee date and really can't wait for our next date. However, my training schedules and fixture congestion is really hindering me from going on a second date with Tzuyu. Suddenly, I thought of a brilliant idea. Why don't I invite Tzuyu to the game against Suwon FC tomorrow so she can watch me play football. Then we can maybe hangout after the game. Yes that is a very good idea since she sounded like she was really interested in football. I picked up my phone and texted Tzuyu asking if she's doing something tomorrow.

 I picked up my phone and texted Tzuyu asking if she's doing something tomorrow

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So Tzuyu has agreed to come watch my play football. I need to bring my best game to the match tomorrow and hopefully I don't make big mistakes under the pressure of having Tzuyu from Twice watching the game. I have already gotten the green light from the manager that I will be starting tomorrow so I need to be at my best in the game tomorrow.

Time skip to the next day

Tzuyu POV

Currently my manager is taking me to Seoul World Cup Stadium to watch the game that Y/N said he will be playing in. I am actually very excited because this is my first time experiencing a sporting event live. I have watched some basketball and baseball when I was younger back in Tainan on the TV with my dad but I have never been in any stadium before to watch a sporting event. 

Arriving at Seoul World Cup stations, my manager left and I was accompanied by stadium staff to the VIP suites. I was shocked by the atmosphere inside the stadium, there were passionate fans cheering like in concerts only they have drums and stuff to make it even louder. If this was the atmosphere when the game hasn't even begun I wonder what will the atmosphere be like when the game has begun. Soon enough I would find out because the players are coming on the pitch now and easily enough I spotted Y/N, he's the guy in the number 25 shirt. I wonder how will be perform in this game.

First Half

The game started and I was trying my best to understand what is going on as best as possible. From what I can gather is that Y/N's team is called FC Seoul and they are dressed in red and black while the team they are playing against Suwon FC which are dressed in white. I don't really what is happening but I got a broad idea of how the game is played and Y/N was getting the ball quite a lot of times so I suppose that is good for him. 

27th Minute

The team in white, Suwon FC are constantly shooting against the team Y/N is playing for. I am not someone who knows about football but I can tell that things aren't going well for FC Seoul. Currently FC Seoul have the ball outside the pitch. The number 23 is about to throw the ball in which I don't know why that is a thing but I just guess it's how things go in this sport. Number 23 throws it in to his teammate number 10 who then flicks it onto Y/N. Y/N is now very close to the goal of the white team, this is a big chance for Y/N, he kicks the ball and it somehow it hits the white teams number 2 and the ball ended up inside the net. After that the whole stadium started cheering apart from one group of people, I saw the FC Seoul fans celebrating. Wait, is that a goal? Did Y/N just score a goal? I looked at him and he was celebrating, does that mean he just scored? I don't care I followed the what other people are doing and started celebrating too.

FC Seoul 1-0 Suwon FC

51st Minute

Once again from my point of view, it looks like the team in white are playing better than FC Seoul and Y/N didn't have the ball much. I am still having trouble understanding what's happening but all I know and could see is that FC Seoul are winning but struggling to get the ball. Now they have just got the ball again because the team in white kicked the ball outside the lines. Y/N now has it but he wasn't really running or doing anything with it. He was just standing there in the middle of the pitch doing nothing for a while. But suddenly, he kicked the ball towards FC Seoul's number 7 who managed to get the ball and kicked it into the net. The whole stadium started cheering again. This time I know what happened, FC Seoul just scored another goal but it wasn't Y/N. Still I celebrated with the rest of the stadium as I watched Y/N running all the way to the guy in number 7 and joined the big group hug celebration.

FC Seoul 2-0 Suwon FC

79th Minute

After the second goal, FC Seoul are playing better it looked like. They got the ball more and are starting to shoot towards the white team's goal more. Here, FC Seoul are on the attack again. Number 20 kept running with the ball. He has been running for a while. Even though I don't know what is happening, it looks like a really good chance he has now got near the white team's goal now but suddenly he stopped. Why don't he kick it into the net? He decided to pass it to Y/N who was on the side of the pitch. Once Y/N got the ball he started running back into the centre with the ball and then out of nowhere, he kicked the ball and it went straight into the net. The stadium started celebrating again and Y/N ran towards the flag thing and did a knee slide. Y/N just scored another goal. I can tell he was really happy by his actions and his expression, no actually he was really excited. Seeing him do well and be happy makes me happy as well.

FC Seoul 3-0 Suwon FC

The rest of the game went on and nothing that looked exciting to me happened. The FC Seoul fans are singing and chanting, creating a lot of noise. Soon enough, the referee blew the whistle and everything stopped apart from the cheering from the fans. I think this is the end of the game because the players are shaking hands with each other. A few players ran over to Y/N and hugged him. I guess he really played well this game because he seemed very happy. Suddenly, the loudspeaker made an announcement.

Stadium Announcer: Full Time, this game ended as a 3-0 victory for the hosts FC Seoul. Please congratulate our Man Of The Match Y/N L/N.

Wait Y/N is man of the match? Isn't that an award for like the best player in sporting events? Wow Y/N is the best player. I feel really happy for him as I saw KBS started doing an interview with him. After everything ended, another stadium staff came over to me and led me to exit the stadium.

I put my disguise back on and followed him to go through the VIP channels to exit to stadium where I think Y/N will be waiting for me. I really enjoyed my first live sporting event and it was made better that Y/N scored two goals to help his team win. Even though I have no idea what has happened in this game apart from Y/N's team winning, it has definitely made me gain interest in football. Now I wanted to know more about football and possibly learn how to play this sport. Maybe I should ask Y/N to teach me. 

Another long chapter. This chapter is about football again but I tried to write it in Tzuyu's POV so the terms are a bit weird. Don't get me wrong, I am an absolute expert in football and the terms but I just thought I should describe the game in the POV of someone who doesn't know about football.

Thank you very much for 1K reads. It is a big milestone for me and the book. Big thanks for all your previous support and please continue to support this book.

Also, Taste of Love album is out. All the songs are really really good. My favourite is SOS, please support me as well as Twice and stream alcohol free on Spotify and Youtube. 

Finally, now that the Euros has begun, I will be updating less frequently because my current sleeping schedule is not healthy for me. This is not a hiatus, but I will just be updating less as I would take some of my writing time to spend on sleeping. 

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